I'll Make You Famous…




Jordyn Jones Boring Lingeire Selfies of the Day

I don’t really understand how Jordyn Jones got as big as she did on social media, but it probably has something to do with them wanting Jordyn Jones to be big on social media, before realizing that she didn’t convert or offer what they needed from being big on social media, so instead of making her a pop star or a big teen actress in her 20s but who plays a teen because she’s been stunted by being sold to the industry, thanks to the hormones they put her on….

I do know she’s got a ton of followers and instead of doing mainstream shit, she does half nude shit, rocking lingerie in the most boring, unoriginal, plain and simple shoots…

No real concept goes into it, just buy some panties and wear them and the amazing thing is people are paying for this kind of thing..

I don’t think it gets more hardcore than this, this isn’t the preview landing page, this is potentially the full offering…

She didn’t even hire a photographer, get a prop, just her dancing reality show ass posing in her LA apartment….

Sure, big dreams from small town Michigan come in all forms and she’s not selling meth for dick sucks in a barn outside the local bar, and she’s making stupid money, it’s pretty lazy content to be getting paid off, but I guess that’s the point or the troll in it all…

“look at how dumb these pay pigs are, I don’t even have to try and I pull in 500k a month”….

Why bother doing more, when you’re rewarded for being mediocre at best!


Posted in:Jordyn Jones