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Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants are preemptive, not that I know what preemptive means, but maybe it’s like foreplay, or pre ejaculation, the prequel or the preview to the PUSSY WEDGIES wednesdays you’ll all get to hang out with in about 24 hours from today, because you need a tight pant to bring a pussy wedgie, they’re basically the same fucking post, only wednesday is zoomed in on what I like about the tight pants, THE PUSSY, and today is more a general catch all that let you see a bitch basically held together by clothing, giving the illusion that that is what she looks like naked….so for the non-Pussy obesessed, possibly queer fucks into ass and legs, the tight pants gives you a little more of a broader scope on the ultimate goal of the tight pants, which is seeing full cunt.

This is a round-up of tight pants….

Posted in:Tight Pants