I'll Make You Famous…




Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

Living the beach life is probably the way to go. You’d have to be some kind of faggot to choose the snow drifts and cold….even if you hate the sun, have skin cancer because you’re a pale fucking troll who. lives in the basement jerking off to porn all day…because of the bitches in BIKINIS man….seeing a bitch. in a bikini, even an ugly one is fucking INSPIRING. It’s legendary. IT’s living. IT MAKES YOU FEEL FUCKING ALIVE….and it also makes you feel like fucking.

I guess the things to wear to the beach, my swimwear round-up is a good compliment to the tanline thursday post I do, where I celebrate the after effects of swimwear at the beach….not that a bitch needs swimwear or a beach for tanlines, where there is a will there’s a way, but the swimwear helps them stencil the non-tanned portions of the tanline erotica.

All this to say, when asked the important philosophical question of which came first, the swimsuit or the tanline…you’ll know it doesn’t matter so long as half nakedness is involved, we’re good.

Posted in:swimsuit