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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I wish the weed girls actually got to that vegetative state that you’d expect them to if you followed or bought into all the weed propaganda featuring half dead idiots on the couch…

Sure, weed girls can be fat and lazy slobs who eat too many munchies when they are high, but they are still women, so they’ll just keep on yammering away with their now more annoying observations about all thing women yammer on about.

It’s not quite as fun as doing sedatives with women so they shut the fuck up and leave you the fuck alone….but I guess it’s natural, laid back and has some medicinal qualities that make it better than dealing with an annoying drunk girl…

Point of the story, high or not, bitches be crazy and bitches be annoying and here are some slutty weed girls.

Posted in:Weed