I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I may or may not have been over served while watching the Super Bowl…

I figure it’s the only way to get through such a gay fucking event, where men in tights dry hump each other as they try to get the ball across some imaginary line for millions of dollars while retards watch and billionaires, who employ these players, laugh as they make even more billions of dollars…..it’s a nice distraction from all the crazy shit going on in the world, from vaccine injury, fake wars, toxic chemical spills, you know when UFOs aren’t going viral enough because no one’s buying it….

Anyway, amongst ignoring the game itself, eating all the chips and guac I could get my Mexican heritage hands on, I did see the Rihanna satanic ritual about the fallen angel, with her illuminati triangle, and pentatgram on her red suit that made her look like a period on a fresh cotton tampon, in what I’d call the least impressive performance ever, mainly because she’s fat, sloppy and I confused her with Lizzo…

To which the STANS of Rihanna will say that “she’s pregnant” not realizing that trans can’t get pregnant, or that celebrities fake their pregnancies for effect, since she only had a kid 9 months ago, assuming that was a real pregnancy, which I don’t….but let’s say that it was a real pregnancy, she’s hardly given her pussy time to recover….

But yeah, what a way to make the general public hate satanism, because shit these satanic performances they do now are BORING, not enlightened, not inspiring…it’s almost as if the era of the satanist is over because we’re all onto their clown show…

The reality is that Rihanna has never impressed me, there was a video of her as a kid in Barbados performing that proved she is zero talent, just fucking manufactured in the studio hack, used to do whatever it is she does….so I didn’t have high hopes….

Her fertility ritual, being all pregnant, playing the period blood on the tampon didn’t make her any more interesting….but the whole fertility thing reminded me that I like a good milk filled tit, so these girls sexualizing their milk filled tits, bring hope in a dark and demented world where people like Rihanna get to come to America and be treated better than the local stars who are ignored who I am sure are far more talented than she is….

Posted in:Lactating