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Weed Wednesday of the Day

You know, as much as you think getting high is the devil’s work…..especially on lent when you should be sober and as connected to god as you can be….the truth is it’s from nature, directly from nature, without any processing, so maybe the devil’s work is actually not making everyone smoke weed all day every day.

I don’t know if weed makes people any happier than they already are, you know since everyone I know is a ball of fucking joy just waiting for the end to hit them thanks to all the negativity out there……

I don’t know if weed really takes off the edge, or makes you a schizo who kills your family like in reefer madness….But I like to think all the fucking hippies fucking each other in the 60s, who now run and have ruined the world, probably because they quit smoking weed, were onto something…and that if the world collectively got high, we’d sit around on couches eating snack foods living our best life, instead of sitting around on couches eating snack foods living or current and possibly worst lives!

No one ever says “living my worst life” but I can assure you, most of us are….so lets pull inspo from some weed girls.

Posted in:Weed