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Meeting in the Gender Neutral Bathroom of the Day

Here’s a video that’s going viral….I mean it could be old, it could be new, it could just be the product of a drunk girl who had to pee not caring that the bathroom in which she’s peeing in has an open toilet, which may seen weird for you STALL SNOBS, but I’ve been in may bathrooms, mainly gas station bathrooms, with urinal and toilet side by side and I’ve looked at it in wonderment, thinking, if only a woman came in here to pee next to me.

They are pushing this as the benefit of Gender Neutral bathrooms, you know making friends in all the right places, with your pants literally down, but the big issue is if this open format bathroom involves shitting…..which happens to ruin everything.

We already know that gender neutral bathrooms lead to rape, sexual assault and other uncomfortable things, but it doesn’t have to.

I’ve peed in plenty of sinks at parties while girls are peeing next to me and it didn’t lead to rape, just a mocking of my micro cock, which I guess made me the vicim of sexual assault…#MeToo….

We also know that women’s bathrooms are far more vile and disgusting then men’s bathroom, as we’ve all spent our fair share of time in them.

I just don’t understand why we can’t have individual bathrooms, since going to expel our waste as a collective group is pretty intrusive to me….I mean unless there’s some hot pussy in there with me, but from my experience, it never involves hot pussy in there with me.

Posted in:Videos