I'll Make You Famous…




Sarita Natividad is the Instagram Content of the Day

I don’t actually use social media.

Mainly because I am old as fuck, social media just deletes me, I don’t care what other people have to say or what they are doing, so really it has nothing to do with being old as fuck, because a lot of old as fuck people use social media everyday, all day, speawing their bullshit.

It probably has more to do with me having been on the internet in the glory days and whatever this cultural void we are living in that stemmed out of the internet doesn’t really inspire me in my old age…it’s just clickbait trash that fucks with the minds of the morons out there….that I didn’t realize were as robotic and moronic as they turned out to be. I mean I knew people were dumb, just not as dumb as they are.

Social media hasn’t just destroyed the traditional website, it’s destroyed the minds of basically a huge percentage of people…increased depression, medication, lots of bad things thanks to making people feel like shit about themselves, or makes them seek validation through likes and follows…it’s all pretty vapid and annoying.

That SAID, I don’t actually care about the fall of society, or dumb people, or people being sad or trying to fit in, or the lack of culture, or the tapping into human instincts to create clickbait…

I just not partaking in it because it is boring and repetitive and UNINSPIRING and there’s no real upside to it so why bother…

I mean, other than the SLUTS, what’s the point…oh right…THE SLUTS are the point….because I am a pervert and it does make me happy to see so many girls googling “can I post nudes at 18” in efforts to fit in with the trends.

I like sluts more than I dislike social media, so if social media creates sluts, part of me has to love all the hard work it’s done with it’s inconsistent, keeping up with the times, messagin.

This was posted on Instagram. It was sent to me, I didn’t log in, I am stull boycotting those scumbags for deleted the StepGIRLS account….

It’s amazing, racy and not against their community standards.

Her name is SARA NATIVIDAD and she is a SOUTHERN BOOTY with a SPANISH CHARM…..

Posted in:Videos