I don’t know if anyone gives a fuck about Rowan Blanchard, but I figure no one gives a fuck about this site, so me posting about someone no one gives a fuck about, basically doesn’t matter….it’s just a form of psychosis, a little “WHAT IS THE POINT OF ANYTHING”….and really, there is no point to anything, so if I like the idea of running on the treadmill of posting content of people I don’t care about, who also happen to be people no one else cares about, basically 76,000 times since DrunkenStepfather’s inception, all for no money because money is the DEVIL’s currency….my wife’s disability pays the rent….so I can be as AD UNFRIENDLY as I want to be….
I DON’T WORK FOR YOU “THE MAN”…..or in this case GOOGLE…and other BIG TECH PLATFORMS who don’t let me monetize….there should be a lawsuit in this, 18 years of ad impressions not monetized by GOOGLE because they are RACIST.
Anyway, Rowan Blanchard works for the man, she’s a Disney kid, who they let have a RUMSPRINGER event, like a AMISH chick, where like an AMISH chick deciding if she wanted to go back to the farm, by becoming a normie, or a stripper, or whatever they do on RUMSPRINING…..Rowan was sent to Brooklyn, to live amongst fake artists and trustfundarians, producing racy semi nude content like a hipster model of 10 years ago, only to manipulate her audience into thinking she was semi cool, before going back to DISNEY and saying “What’s next boss”….to which MICKEY SAID….DROP YOUR PANTIES….to WHICH SHE SAID….AGAIN??
You see, I don’t have inside scoop on these things, but I know how soulless, personality-less, calculated, owned people are…so any move they make is because they are advised to by their keepers….THEY WORKED too hard to get famous, they aren’t going to throw it away because girl wants to live in Brooklyn posing for lame ass insta photogs…it’s just a storyline continued on social media…it ain’t real…
But the tits probably are and she’s still braless, see through dress wearing, no doing hipster shit, and I’m good with that even if the face looks a little like a Korean transvestite who works at the corner store.

Posted in:Rowan Blanchard