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Weed Wednesday of the Day

What came first, the weed smoking or the taking nudes and publishing them to the internet. That’s the great philosophical question one must ask themselves when they are looking at the merging of two illicit, unholy, racy and edgy pastimes…..

Smoking weed and getting high….

Taking nudes or semi-nude content to upload to the internet for men to lust after.

The church would definitely FROWN upon this behavior…when doing one or the other, isn’t quite enough….unless you’re like me and think that weed is brought to humans to consume by the land, making it hardly a terrible thing to consume, since it’s from the land….but maybe I am justifying NAUGHTY and sinful behavior because I like any reason for nudes, whether it was the DRUGS doing the NUDE TALKIN, or the girl who smokes the drugs doing the NUDE TALKIN….so long as the NUDES be TALKIN….like my fridge…they call this schizophrenia…

Posted in:Weed