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Pussy Wedgie Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies, unlike gay dudes in tight pants, is not about showing off how big the pussy is, girls generally don’t like their pussies called big, even when they are big, it’s more of a “tight” or how much of an INNY it is.

Pussy Wedgies are more about showing off how good the is at eating the pants…BINGE eating those pants like a teen with an eating disorder at an all you can eat buffet on a cruise with her family she hates….before the PURGE….

Sure, the fatting and meatier the lip, the better the pussy wedgie, but telling a girl “you’ve got big pussy energy” while rocking her pussy wedgie, will likely not land that pussy on your face!

Either way, Pussy Wedgies are a great way to get a sketch of the pussy you would otherwise never see and that’s always fun, isn’t it.

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie