Billie Eilish is a dumpy looking scam that managed to become one of the biggest stars thanks to brainwashing, marketing, witchcraft, propaganda and all the other things that go into winning over millions of retards into thinking you’re more than just a shell of a human trying to generate hype and money for your team, and that you’re some sort of bullshit artist or some shit.
Well, along with being dumpy, she’s slipped into some massive fucking dress that her sloppy ass titties peek through…but more importantly, she is in fishnets where some tattooed loser who clearly has an identity crisis and used to tattoos to let the world know just how fake and out of touch with himself he is, feels her up….
There’s no fisting, no fingering, no panty shots, not that you’d like to see those sail sized bullshits…no matter HOW stained they are…
It’s just some weird ass fishnet erotica but I figure that’s probably the kind of thing that you losers get off to.
Posted in:Billie Eilish