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Insanity at the Gas Station to Start the Day

I don’t really like the whole collapse of an empire narrative that’s going around. After 3 years of traumatizing experiences brought to you by the propaganda of the internet, it’s enough to disassociate and turn to staring at the tits, which is pretty much what I try to do.

The whole woke insanity, or COVID insanity that I am still traumatized by, to the other shit they talk about, from Wars to Social Credit scores, to inflation, to egg shortages, to other pandemics….it’s a lot of shit.

So seeing this gas station video, is probably not the most uplifting video circulating the internet, but it’s pretty fucking crazy and sure, it’s not as fun as staring at tits for those of you who already think we are doomed, but it’s definitely worth seeing because I’ve never seen a gas station adventure quite like this!

Posted in:Videos