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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t know if medical workers or scrubs were always a fetish. I assume if you had cancer as a teen and spent a lot of time in the hospital in your formative, being treated with compassion and kindness from some young nurses, you may have a lifelong affinity for the medical worker….

Or if you were in a serious accident, in coma, now half retarded but while learning how to walk and talk again, you spent serious time in the hospital, and the healthcare workers were the first and only women to show you kindness, since they were getting paid, which I guess is a little like prostitution, so maybe they’ve always been the hookers of the clinic floor.

I know many stories of nurses home wrecking a poor doctor’s home, because the nurse is hotter than the old tired wife who worked doubles to put him through medical school, so maybe that was always the case.

From someone scared of hospitals, doctors, and all things affiliated with it, the SCRUBS are a nightmare to me, so maybe them taking off the scrubs should be something I find hot, but it’s still in the germ filled death halls of the medical industry….which makes me think she needs more SCRUBBING even with less scrubs on.

The point of the story is, you gotta wonder how serious the job is, when so many of them produce nudes on site….but I guess life is serious enough, bring the nudes to work day should be EVERYDAY, and in some of these hospital settings, it apparently is!

Posted in:NURSES