I'll Make You Famous…




Stella Hudgens Pool Twerk of the Day

I can’t confirm or deny that Stella Hudgens has a butt plug in when she does an aggressive asshole behind thong with no much asshole, just a lot of thong in the pool with the multi-million dollar view, but I can pretend that the seam of the bikini bottom bunching up is a butt plug, since a generation of girls seem to walk around with butt plugs in, doing anal training or just loving how it feels, which is a bit of a trip when you think about all the times girls in the 90s got mad when you stuck a finger in their ass…both during sex, as if you ever had sex, or on the street through their pants, taking what you can get….

Nowadays, your waitress, your doctor, your nurse, your dentist, your mom, your barista making you a hipster coffee, your bar tender, your banker, could all be rocking a butt plug and you wouldn’t be the wiser, unless you make them laugh and they are in a skirt and you hear it hit the ground.

Anyway, celebrity sisters are a fetish of mine, I figure they are the celebrity without all the burden of celebrity, but with all the sadness of not being the celebrity, filled with self hate and feelings of being inadequate, while pretending to be high profile or big deals when dropping their sister’s name to get better seats at the restaurant, you know cunty but from an insecure place, and that’s hot.

I like this one because she does low level porn on the side for money, sexualizing and showing off her body like the world is the casting couch she gets rejected from….it’s stimulating.


Posted in:Stella Hudgens|Stella Hudngens