I'll Make You Famous…




Liz Hurley Promotes Hoodies with her Pants Off of the Day

I don’t know if this is Liz Hurley’s clothing company, or if this is just her promoting a clothing company as a paid partner or infleuncer, since that’s what all these people of social media do, whore out products like annoying AVON ladies knocking on our doors…

I just know that she’s not wearing any pants, which is pretty funny to see, because she’s in her 70s and yet she’s still doing it, because with experience comes knowing that doing things pantsless gets you further in life, I mean that’s how she ended up with her STEVE BING son and assistant who is featured in this photoshoot, also in hoodie, but with pants on….because he hasn’t fully transitioned yet…yes, the same son I think pretends to be her in most of her bikini shoots…but I guess this DEBUNKS that…

Posted in:Liz Hurley