I'll Make You Famous…




Elliott Page Flashes His Tits like a Little Slut of the Day

Canada may be a pretty gay place where they put gay flags on their passport because that’s just how gay it is, but it’s also a place where you can get arrested for hate speech, in order to support everyone in their life choices to live how they want to live, without being allowed to have an opinion on it, without calling it out for being fucking weird or satanic, or whatever you hate about the trans movement.

Personally, I don’t care what people do, how they identify, how they want to live, I just don’t like being forced or told to think a certain way and I don’t like creepy teachers confusing kids, I also really enjoy biological women, so calling a non biological woman who decided to cosplay as a woman, or live their life as a woman, a woman feels off to me, but if they want to live that life, walk through life in that skirt, good for them…who gives I shit…

I do like that Elliott Page, who I never found hot, is flashing his TITS on the internet, just a straight up, almost aggressive topless pic that we can all hope his co-stars from all the movies he’s been in follow suit on.

ALL titties, even amputated titties, like Angelina Jolie Titties are titties all stare at!

He wrote:

Dysphoria used to be especially rife in the summer. No layers, just a T-shirt – or layers and oh so sweaty – constantly looking down, readjusting my oversized T. It feels so f’ing good soaking in the sun now, I never thought I could experience this, the joy I feel in my body. I am so grateful for what gender affirming care has allowed me and I look forward to sharing more of my journey soon. #transjoy


Now show us how you fist your dick looking for your prostate BRO.

Posted in:elliott page