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Kate Bosworth Posts Butt Covered in Sand Picture of the Day

There was a viral story that came out last week, which I didn’t bother posting because I have written Kate Bosworth off since realizing she was fucking Justin Long….they’re now married and expecting three babies via surrogate I imagine….

Basically, ROXY put together a BLUE CRUSH inspired revival collection of the early 2000s and they cast BLUE CRUSE star Kate Bosworth who I don’t even remember finding hot in that movie, because I don’t even know whether I’ve seen the movie or not, which is so weird since I’m a surf girl pervert….right….

She’s just been a tall, skinny blonde chick who deserved a better career and now who deserves a better cock, that may actually be a magical cock, not that I want to think about Justin Long’s cock, but the fact that he exists must be due to something, like being gay for pay or fucking old rich lady decision makers who inherited their husband’s film studios, I don’t get it….

The good news is that Kate Bosworth posted a close up picture of her now middle-aged but still hot ass…

The bad news is that Justin Long was quick to hop in the comments and make it about him, reminding us that he fucks her, and ruining Kate Bosworth for any sensible man out there…

For the record, I am not a nerd weirdo who gets mad at these women when they get boyfriends or get mad at the boyfriends for getting the girls, there are just a few things a woman can insert in themselves that make me question them on the whole….HOLE…and JUSTIN LONG is one of those things.

His comment read (note pic #2 is the ass shot).

I wish you’d given me credit for painstakingly applying each grain of sand to pic #2

My initial thoughts were…I wish he died on set of the first Mac Guy / Windows Guy commercial so that we didn’t have to experience what has become of him.

Then I realized that we just want happiness for Kate Bosworth and her great middle aged ass and if Justin Long brings it, maybe he could stay off her comments, her feed and act like he doesn’t exist so that we can block out the trauma it has caused…..

No….I still wish he died on set of the first Mac Guy / Windows guy commercial….

Here are her tits in a movie to make this better…

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