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Milf Monday of the Day

The Denise Richards humiliation ritual continues….and she must be leveling up in the world of the elites where the rulers make their whores do shameful things as punishment or to prove their loyalty….and she’s clearly loving it because she’s bringing the smales, the happiness, the laughs and the good times, because I guess when you have no choice, you gotta make the best of it, so while the rest of us feel her cringe, her shame the weirdness….she just powers through….

It’s all pretty sad, but is it just a sad state of affairs for Denise, or is it just a sad culture overall, or is it just a sad tit that looks like it belongs to some drunk retired dude watering the lawn at his 55+ retirement community in floriday…make that make sense…you can’t.

The only thing that is more beautiful, or special, or inspiring that motherhood, you know, since it keeps our miserable species going, is mothers that still find it in themselves to get naked on the internet in self produced content for either money or validation, because a mom focused strictly on raising her kids, instead of just putting them in front of a screen that will indoctrinate them, or in a school system that will program them, is an “all work and no play” kinda of mom…..when playing is important in this era of everyone being willing to fuck anything, or always being able to find someone to fuck anything…

The concept of MILF is supposed to be on the spectator’s side, meaning YOU decide who is a MILF, they can’t tell you “I am a MILF”, but I appreciate these self starters convinced that they are MILFs knowing that there is at least one person out there, probably thousands of people out there, willing to fuck each and every one of them…

So MILF is not any sort of beauty contest or VOTING for the MILFS system, it’s a “I have a vagina that’s been reverse penetrated by child, therefore I am technically a MILF because guys will fuck anything”…

So whether these MILFs are your kind of MILF or not, they are someone’s MILF and that’s what matters…

Posted in:Milf