I'll Make You Famous…




Lizzo’s Pantsless Diabetic Piss on Tina Turner’s Memory of the Day

The Jolly Green Giant who surprisingly didn’t have a heart attack in this offensive as fuck stage show, where the pig in a dress removes her skirt to reveal some weird wrestler outfit you’d expect to see on a 1940s wrestler, only with more sequins…

It’s giving Richard Simmons workout vibes, as she waddles around the stage in some weirdly charged routine…..

It’s also giving Chris Farley on SNL with a near lethal dose of cocaine in his system….

I’m just surprised she’s not eating a sandwich while pissing on Tina Turner, the USA Tax Evading, Switzerland Based musical icon….who knew how to make a hit and more importantly take a hit….

The point of the story, this is terrifying……but ROLLING is something that Lizzo obviously knows all too well so it comes from the heart…

The other point of the story, shout out to the engineers who built a stage that can handle that sort of impact, impressive craftsmanship….get them their own HGTV show.

Posted in:Lizzo