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Irina Shayk is she a Spy or Hooker or Both or Neither of the Day

Here’s a question I am putting out to the universe, since the universe are DrunkenStepfather.com subscribers, obviously, that’s why I’m so rich and famous and writing this from my super yacht I bought from Robert Maxwell…..

Is Irina Shayk a Russian Spy, since she is Russian and apparently from a town where they train the agent provocateurs to use their hotness to seduce men of power and to capture dirt on them to use against them in a blackmail setting…..which is arguably also being a whore, but a different kind of whore since it’s for the benefit of Mother Russia….MYSTERIOUS if true…..

Or is Irina Shayk a hooker, just a high end hooker who only deals with A-Listers and who has a team of powerful people divert her hooking by making it more about being a model, which by definition is also hooking, since they are paid by the hour to be hot, but it’s not seen in the same light as actual hooking……but you get what I am saying….

Basically many international sugar babies and hookers and escorts who come to America on a work visa are doing it through escort agencies that pretend to be model agencies and are doing it as models not whores….SO….it’s not like it would be that scandalous if she was a straight up whore….

BUT there’s some stories going around in the media about her that involve her being buds with Epstein, because apparently someone got his calendars and you’d have to wonder what she’d be doing with him, if not providing salacious information on important people….because the alternative reason would be too dark for the bright light that is Irina Shayk….

Regardless of the rumors, people are just hating on near perfection and even as she ages like a loaf of bread, the way women age, I’m going to say you’re all just a bunch of haters mad that she’s so good….

Posted in:Irina Shayk