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Weed Wednesday of the Day


For the longest time I used to hate weed smoke, I thought it was dumb, the people involved lame, the whole ceremonial aspect or the whole celebration of weed retarded, from people with weed plant patches sewed on their jackets, to white trash with the same leaf tattooed on them…I was a hater….even though I still loved reggae music.

Then I got bored, opened up to the idea of weed, you can only be a drunk for so long before eventually getting into the smoke and I was like, this is a giant whatever, but it’s relaxing enough, so it must be cancer fighting, medicine from GOD.

Then I realized that if the satanic perverts who run the world are pushing to legalize this shit, it’s either to poison people through the legal store bought shit, or because they know something I don’t know about it lowering my testosterone, making me passive like the birth control ridden tap water, and probably fat from my laying on my back eating chips all night as a stream mindless shows probably green lit because they also push the agendas being pushed….

So I figured, the only thing good about weed, is not smoking it, so that you can have your wits about you, but that could just stem from WEED paranoia, I don’t know….

But I do know a lot of girls are doing weed content, using weed as a prop, so there’s clearly a market for this shit…..

Posted in:Weed