I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t know if this belongs in a MILKY TIT MONDAY post or in the MILF MONDAY post I am working on, but maybe I’ll just cut and paste the same thing in both since no one fucking reads my bullshit anyway.

The highlight of my weekend was leaving the house and realizing that either there’s another baby boom happening, people busy getting their fuck on, or that I go places pregnant chicks go, because I saw dozens of pregnant chicks, and not hanging out together like they are part of some being knocked up club that we call MOTHERHOOD, or so to be motherhood, and I wasn’t hanging in the maternity clothing store’s underwear section like I should be, but pregnant chicks sporadically appeared everywhere I looked….

To make them more interesting than just some hormonally swollen used up pussy, they were all walking around with their bellies on display, parading that shit around like they were special or like they had a trophy inside them from being CUMMED in, and all I could think of was just how much they were cummed in…

I saw old ladies approach these bellies, all excited at fertility and the blessing of life, and I’m like, pregnancy is a billboard you carry around for 9 months saying “I GET CUMMED IN”…

In fact the whole being a mom thing is pretty slutty, it’s sex to absolute completion and you don’t need chicks sexualizing lactating tits like they are a porn fetish to drive the point home, the BELLY in a tight summer dress is ENOUGH…

But here are those MILKY tits being sexualized by the slutty moms who own them….

Posted in:Lactating