I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The drunkenstepfather version of Jimmy Buffet’s “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere” is “It’s lunchtime for a pussy somewhere”….because these pussies, like a plus sized influencer trying to maintain her size to stay relevant because she’s getting somewhere with this fatness, or just a sad fat girl eating her feelings because she knows that no one will love her due to the fatness, these PUSSIES just keep on eating the shorts…

From my experience in the pussy eating short world, which goes back as long as I can remember because I remember the 80s track shorts jacked up in girls ass well as I remember the LUNCH LADY in the mom-jeans too small….and I’ve been documenting the experience ever since…..

The PUSSY EATING on the skinny chicks who likely don’t eat but their pussies sure do….definitely have crazier pussy wedgies than the fat chicks who have pussies buried in fat….because their inner thighs don’t get in the way of their still fat pussy lips….especially in this era of jacking the pants up inside themselves for style….

It’s a good time to be alive bros..

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie