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Tanline Thursday of the Day

I don’t know how long this bullshit climate activism has been going on, but for the majority of my life I can remember psycho tree hugging freaks crying about both the cutting down of trees and the fucking Ozone Layer…

Obviously, humans are disgusting and big businesses that create all the products humans consume have a negative impact on the world because they pump all kinds of chemicals into the water, poisoning us in the process, all in the name of capitalism and buying shit we don’t need.

However, it’s hard to take all these idiots seriously, knowing that they are virtue signalling with their rare earth mineral electric vehicle powered by NUCLEAR or OIL BASED electricity, all while they buy their bullshit SKIMS or whatever fast fashion shit from CHINA, only to throw it in a landfill….

It’s also hard to take the idiot experts seriously, when we’ve been told we’d be all underwater from the melting ice caps for the last 30 fucking years….

Then there was the whole OZONE layer non-sense, where you couldn’t break a styrofoam coffee cup at the AA meeting without a cunty bitch in ill-fitting pants screaming “THE OZONE LAYER”….nonsense….

So the whole “SUN CAUSES CANCER” another ATTACK on nature, while pretending the world is going to IMPLODE, so you best hide in your houses and not leave your houses, because the sun isn’t the source of all energy or some shit, it’s actually an evil doer trying to kill you….SO SPRAY THIS TINTED CHEMICAL on you for the same fucking effect….


Posted in:Tanlines