I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I saw at least 6 different lesbian couples over the weekend….and I wasn’t out there seeking lesbian couples over the weekend….they are just a trend that is anti-humanity, because civilization requires women to get fucked in order to make babies in their womb come into existence in order to cry for attention by breast feeding in public, rather than cuddling with another woman, or having a picnic, all too romantically….at least for someone who’s only real experience in fake lesbianism has been on porn sets or at the club after too many drinks and girl wants attention…

Yes, I know lesbians can ingest sperm they buy on craigslist into their womb to make said baby, so they don’t actually need to fuck a man, but rather use a turkey baster while a they looking bitch eats her out, but that’s not really HOW we are wired, you revamping the human experience trend following fucks…

Here’s some breast feeding to get hyped on some trad wife using the milk tits to be jerked off to since it’s a thing tits do naturally…besides getting cummed on….who knew!

Posted in:Lactating