I'll Make You Famous…




Lili Reinhart Fat in Mexico of the Day

If you didn’t hate dumpy Betty from Riverdale, who is too fat to be on TV, yet they put her on TV anyway, because I guess they don’t have any fucking standards anymore, or maybe they need to feel like the fat girls feel as though they are represented on TV, you know we are a pussy society who don’t understand that there are two tiers of people, us and them, and let them be better looking than us, to make it more acceptable being forced to be us and not them….it’s simple fucking logic….that everyone’s lost touch of because despite still being us, these assholes think they are them, and want to be them, and need THEM to look like us, otherwise they shut down and don’t buy the products they are selling or lies they are pushing!

Hive mind shit…

If you like dumpy bitches who have their guts hanging over their bikini tops that might as well be pulled up to their titties, you know fat chick bikini, here you go.

If you want a reminder that she’s on the HIVE mind shit, in the “Them” Category, she’s propagandizing some book….LOOK at the Title….it reads “a feminist guide to taking back the English Language”….get the fuck out of here bro, the first thing these fuckers do is take away the language, then they take your freedom….IT is already happening and the clowns on the TV are part of the problem being the messengers who amplify this shit…

Less feminism, more diet…


Posted in:Lili Reinhart