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Archive for the Lili Reinhart Category




Lili Reinhart’s Got Tits of the Day

I don’t know much about acting, because I find it all a fucking joke. I don’t believe it requires any talent to be some self involved psychopath liar who plays make-belief with a straight face, if anything it’s weird.

I do know when I see people who aren’t very good at acting, even though it doesn’t require any real talent….which people confuse as being a sign that it does in fact require talent because being bad at it means that there’s some skill to being good at it….

The way I see it, you can be bad at taking a piss because you piss all over the floor when you’re drunk, but pissing as a concept doesn’t actually require talent or even effort, you’re designed to do it…..being bad at pissing, like being bad at acting, requires more effort than being good at it…

Anyway, Lili Reinhart sucks at acting, she lacks hotness, her strong jaw makes me think she’s a dude into boxing, her Riverdale show sucked, she ruined all fantasies a Young Jesus Martinez may have had reading those Archie Comics and imagining a double blowie from Betty and Veronica, because this betty is more into eating than sucking…at least based on her size.

She’s got cleavage though and sometimes, oftentimes, that’s enough.

Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart Bathes of the Day

This is Fat Betty from the weird Archie spin-off series that made no sense to me because I don’t think it was actually thought through, since it didn’t really need to be thought through, no one pays attention to storylines or writing, they’re on their phones so make it look moody and good background noise…ADHD.

She’s in the bathtub showing off her feet for the foot fetishists, or the fat girl turned actress, or the Betty fetishists out there and I’d argue that this is one of the least hot bathtub series I’ve seen.

Sure the clawfoot tub is great, nice color and the actress even matches it, but the whole not seeing her big tits when her big tits are all I’d want to see on a Fat Betty is offensive….like put the feet back in the tub and pull those tits over the fucking sides of the tub, to see if the giant feeder nips match the fleshy shade of the tub, you know, make a game out of it….

Instead, we get this turd in the tub…CODE BROWN.

Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart Cleavage of the Day

Average at best, how was she cast as your childhood fantasy blonde Betty, Lili Reinhart, no longer on a very hyped dumb as fuck show, is currently making the moves needed to be made to keep herself relevant, reminding people that the badly cast Betty is here and she means it, because along with being fat, she’s got fat tits, and she’s not stupid enough to not use those as a currency, because they are a currency, probably the currency used to get herself cast as Fat Betty in the first place….LOOK AT HER TITS….HIRED….you annoying fucking theatre kid….

Also in the frame, a man’s hand ready to fist the big girl, because that’s how big girls get off…public in car fisting so that the people who walk up on them know they aren’t those big girls who don’t fuck….GILBERT GRAPE.

Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart Fat in Mexico of the Day

If you didn’t hate dumpy Betty from Riverdale, who is too fat to be on TV, yet they put her on TV anyway, because I guess they don’t have any fucking standards anymore, or maybe they need to feel like the fat girls feel as though they are represented on TV, you know we are a pussy society who don’t understand that there are two tiers of people, us and them, and let them be better looking than us, to make it more acceptable being forced to be us and not them….it’s simple fucking logic….that everyone’s lost touch of because despite still being us, these assholes think they are them, and want to be them, and need THEM to look like us, otherwise they shut down and don’t buy the products they are selling or lies they are pushing!

Hive mind shit…

If you like dumpy bitches who have their guts hanging over their bikini tops that might as well be pulled up to their titties, you know fat chick bikini, here you go.

If you want a reminder that she’s on the HIVE mind shit, in the “Them” Category, she’s propagandizing some book….LOOK at the Title….it reads “a feminist guide to taking back the English Language”….get the fuck out of here bro, the first thing these fuckers do is take away the language, then they take your freedom….IT is already happening and the clowns on the TV are part of the problem being the messengers who amplify this shit…

Less feminism, more diet…


Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart Swimsuit of the Day

Lil Reinhart’s not so lil at all, but you know, with the right angles, facetune, photoshop, she has the ability to look like she’s not the tanker truck that she is….maybe she just went so big with her hair that it made her look like she’s smaller…these celebrities and their teams have all the optical illusions!

In this one-piece bathing suit clickbait for attention she posted in efforts to keep her celebrity alive, because she knows, like we know, after Riverdale, she’ll be left out to ONLYFANS….she’s just not that big of a seat filler or draw….I mean she is that big of a seat filler, not quite a two seat on the plane seat filler, but still big…just not in in this shot…..

This doesn’t even look like the Lili we know, it must be 100 years old, WAY BACK WEDNESDAY, but for whatever reason, it is still terrifying to me!


Posted in:Lili Reinhart|Uncategorized




Lili Reinhart in Lingerie of the Day

I don’t know what kind of boudoir shoot for Valentine’s Day this is, but I do know that Lili Reinhart is basically a 45 year old mom body trying to add spice to her boring, tired marriage, and doing it through smut….even though she’s probably in her 20s.

For those who don’t know, she’s the wrongfully cast as BETTY from the BETTY AND VERONICA comics for RIVERDALE, the worst planned show in the history of TV, that I’ve seen episodes from most of the seasons and think to myself “what is this shit”….

She obviously doesn’t look like a Betty, but more like a big girl who should be working at the mall, but in her bigness, she had big tits…

For some reason, her tits in her boudoir lingerie shoot are deflated and disappointing…Maybe she’s on some weightloss hustle because Hollywood hates big girls, or maybe she photoshoppped her tits to be smaller, or maybe her broad shoulders make the D-cups look A….PERSPECTIVE….

I guess you can’t really hate on a girl for posting lingier pics to her feed and 1,000,000 people have liked it, so whether I think she’s hot, a good actress, a good Betty, a good fuck or not is irrelevant, she’s relevant.

Apparently, it is for Riverdale, a porned up Riverdale anything to get people to watch…because Cami Mendes got in lingerie too…also a mediocre casting for Betty, but half naked….wooooooooo

Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart in a Sheer Top at an Event of the Day

I don’t know if those are Lili Reinhart’s big nipples, or if she’s wearing pasties that look like big ass areolas, you know tea saucers because she’s so sophisticated……I just know the last time I posted her tits in a sheer wet top, her legal team came after me because they don’t want you jacking off to her big tits, even though those are the only thing that’s valid or of value on her according to me, and they don’t even seem that great.

I guess the doughy pig of a terribly cast as Betty from the Archie Comics in that overhyped scam that is Riverdale, is working on getting hotter and fitter an it’s working…..

The problem is I’ve seen her in other movies an she’s a dog shit actor, but it’s not like anyone really gives a shit about that, we all collectively know acting is a joke, a scam and secret club of idiots who have to reward themselves for their craft, because otherwise us normies will catch onto how unimpressive they are…..”We’re artists, it’s an artform , give me millions of dollars” – co-signed by all other actors on the same quest….we get it.

Anyway, if it is her nips, good job, if it’s pasties, good job being a weak lying scam trying to get nipple through shirt hype without showing nipple.


To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart Topless of the Day

I don’t know where they pulled Lili Reinhart out of, but I am not buying that she’s a legitimate celebrity who just surfaced to the top of the casting couch for the hit show RIVERDALE – that made no sense as a hit show and that was clearly designed to program the youth generation with shitty content! You are only as strong as the culture around you and if you keep the culture half retards who think they are the star of their own movies and if you feed them dog shit stories that make no sense but that visually looks alright, except for the girl they casted as Betty, it keeps them down, which is where they want them to be, you know so they can rape them in whatever way they rape, through debt, or fake news, who knows!

Anyway, they’ve packaged her as a starlet of the time, even though she’s big enough to look like she ate all the other contenders, and her she is in some artsy topless pic they all need to star in, in efforts to matter on social amongst the porn chicks and whores, which entertains me!

Seeing high paid, aggressively marketed celebs copying half ass strippers from a decade ago’s hustle, HILARIOUS, and I’ll look!


Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart’s Topless Flasher of the Day

There’s a really disappointing topless picture of the dumptruck they cast to play Betty from the Archie comics, which to anyone who read Archie Comics growing up, was a spit in our fucking faces, because the original Betty was a hot, fun, blonde girl, not a fucking dumptruck power lifting, who chose powerlifting donuts not weights as her form of power lifting!

The best thing about this, is that her PR people are obviously trying to spin being on that hit show, having those 20 million followers, into being something more important than she is!

She can’t just be a one hit wonder who accidentally got cast in something that hit, she must be a legit talent that they need to send to places like Venice for film festivals to really exploit this celebrity thing!

They clearly have people magazine in the palm of their hand, because the fat neck and fat tit flasher from her balcony, something celebs of the past would avoid being caught doing, trust me, I’ve had lawyers letters sent for posting pics of them topless on balcony, is out here uploading it to the internet!

In fact, I received lawyers letters to take down her actual topless pics she took with her ex bf who played Jughead, so this calculated toplessness, that has no nipple, is just boring!

The funniest thing about it is that People magazine posted the topless pics, because they are the new Playboy, no nipples so it’s SAFE FOR WORK and AD friendly, unless it’s on DrunkenStepfather, then it’s porn!

But yeah, their headline:

Lili Reinhart Shows Off Her Natural Beauty in Empowering Topless Photo Taken on a Rooftop in Venice

Empowering? For fat necks? For broad backs? For meaty arms? I’m not getting the empowerment, but OK!

Lili’s own caption was fucking weird too:

It’s me, your little Venice bitch.

Little is subjective, I guess, little while standing next to an elephant maybe!

Posted in:Lili Reinhart




Lili Reinhart Bra of the Day

Lili Reinhart is a clunky, old, sack of shit of a celebrity.

She exists because the younger generation of media consumers decided Riverdale, the worst show to ever last as long as it has lasted, was some culturally relevant dog shit. The fact it lasted as long as it did is almost as crazy as their casting for Betty and Veronica, where they had an opportunity to have two hot chicks, since that’s how I viewed both when I read Archie comics as a kid, but instead they brought some low frequency, depressing girls in, probably all part of the agenda to keep the young kids dumb, low expectation, miserable, medicated fucks!

She’s in some dumb movie with an interesting concept about “what happened if” she got pregnant, versus her NOT getting pregnant. I accidentally put it on this week, and her acting was so bad that I had to turn it off, but basically she got knocked up and they try to interlace her story if she wasn’t knocked up with her story being knocked up, probably abortion propaganda, but I wouldn’t know, I lasted about 10 mins, and not cuz I came and was done with it, but because I didn’t.

I assume that is what this is from, I mean you have to bring your big tits out for a sex scene that gets you pregnant, but the truth is, I don’t remember the sex scene and thought she was already pregnant based on her size alone! So what o I know.

As it turns out, when tit comes to bad actors, I don’t mind revisiting their tits, so here ya go, it’s not great, but it’s better than the movie I am assuming this is from.


Posted in:Lili Reinhart