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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Thongs are the magical underwear that pretends it is an underwear, while barely covering the asshole, so that you can still see the border or discoloration of the asshole, or what I call the RUBY RIDGE of the asshole, or if you’re lucky, the full asshole, because it’s just my kind inefficient panty…because the asshole is the window to the soul….

There was a time when dudes would get off to panty lines, but then that was out of fashion, so girls went THONG, and there’s a level of discomfort that came from the thong, at least according to most girls, so to make things even better, the girls are willing to choose discomfort, asshole flashing, all to THONG….amazing reminder that women are so dumb in attempts of being hot….or fitting in….and let me guess…IT IS ALL THE FAULT OF MEN….created by MISOGYNY not their own stupidity….dumb bitches.

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong