I'll Make You Famous…




Whitney Cummings Looks Fat of the Day

I used to think that I was a Comedy snob, not because I think I am funnier than most people, even though I am, but because I never find comedians funny. They seem desperate, try hard, losers who practice in front of the mirror, running the same joke over and over to tell the same joke over and over and that’s pretty trash….

But maybe I was like “hating to hate”, unable to see the GOLD that these BRILLIANT minds come up with…

As it turns out, I just don’t find commercial comedy that funny, these people just aren’t that funny, but this picture of Whitney Cum Dumpster in her full form of being cum dumped in, is pretty hilarious…

A pregnant 50 year old holding her tit with her baby growing up inside her, best joke ever….but the nice thing about it is that she didn’t use all her riches from tricking idiots into thinking she was comedic, by paying some immigrant 150k to have her baby for her, like the baby is a designer purse, like all those other old tired sluts with too much money are doing…..

Why carry a baby the way you were built, connecting you to your child in the most amazing way, when there are Mexicans ready to do it for you….DISGUSTING people…

Whitney Cumming pregnant may be disgusting, but not THAT disgusting, so I support the weird pregnant lady all hormonal getting naked in selfies for the internet like she’s important and people care, but maybe she is, cuz at her age, this is basically a science experiment they need to send out to all those OB/GYN doctors in training to learn about GERIATRIC pregnancies…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings