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Archive for the Whitney Cummings Category




Whitney Cummings in her Attention Seeking Outfit of the Day

Many years ago, I wanted to cut out titty holes in stepSHIRTS so that the girls wearing the shirts would be forced to show off their tits, which I am sure some hipsters ended up doing for feminism or something that takes away from my initial perversion of having enough influencer to start a trend where girls show off their full tit….

None of this see through shit, none of this pussy-footing around, just straight up exposed tit…

Even if it was picked up by the hipster feminists, the end goal of seeing tits would be achieved….MASTERFUL….

Well, I guess that concept finally made it to the hipster feminists, it wasn’t that great of an idea for tit lovers out there…

Whitney Cummings who makes fun of comedy by having had such a success in comedy because of those tits is embracing the styling because she gets to show off the tits in an ironic way that makes it seem like it’s part of a higher concept joke….

I’ve never found cummings as hot as her name means to those of us into cumming, she didn’t live up to it, but the nerd comedy decision makers in Hollywood have given her a bunch of shows, she’s rich and famous now and in her retirement she can go back to her true skill….whoring.

It’s just that she’s a mom and old, so old she’s got male pattern baldness and that tight muppet face.

Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings in the Worst Bikini Pics Ever of the Day

Here’s Whitney Cummings bringing her brand of comedy to the internet. The new enough geriatric mom and comedic icon, if women can be comedic icons, I’m not of the school of thought where girls can’t be comedic geniuses, I just think the ones who make it to the top of the food chain are usually not the funniest ones, but rather the ones who try too hard to be funny. Same probably applies to comedian dudes, but I’ve never met a comedian dude, but I’d assume they aren’t as funny as they think they are….

So yeah, try hard Cummings with her sex jokes that worked because she was hot enough to pull them off, which in the world of comedy doesn’t require her needing to be all that hot, it’s more the bargain basement bin of girls who want to be famous and don’t want to do porn, if they want to pay rent, they best make people laugh by saying uncomfortable things, or doing uncomfortable things…

It landed her a bunch of TV shows, made her stupid rich and now that she doesn’t need to make it, her efforts are clearly fucking weak because she’s an out of touch old timer and they can be….

So she’s in a bikini, over some flesh colored shorts and a turtle neck and this is flawed from a jerk off perspective.

Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Mommy Milkers of the Day

Funny Girl Whitney Cummings is bringing her top, mainstream, marketable comedy to the social media the best way she knows how, with some milking herself like the gold tired polluted cow that she is.

I don’t know if you’re a lonely person who sees breeding women as aspirational, hot or what could have been, so you jerk off to it because it makes you feel warm and fuzzy because it speaks to your traditional gender role fetish, or maybe you think old bitches breeding is fucking gross, so milking themselves is fucking gross, because it’s all part of that whole breeding shit.

Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Shitney Cummings Aint Got No Pants On of the Day

Shitney Cummings is a scam, at least according to me, which is meaningless since I am not an authority on anything, my criticism of celebrity culture and the whores that partake in celebrity culture is not accredited, licensed, or authoritative…I’m the same a fat angry lesbian leaving a mean comment on instagram, only this idiot pays to host his own fucking website that doesn’t make money to do it….all while setting myself up for lawsuits when these whores decide to come after me for calling them whores, since they aren’t official whores and that’s defamation, even if I see it as doing my satirical commentary as a commedian of the internet…that no one considers funny, or comedic…..

But yeah, I don’t think Shitney is funny, I think she was a slutty chick trying to make it, saw that comedy was an easy way in, like when girls who can sing do country music and rise to the top, she leveraged it to great heights, with her TV shows that were hits, so she obviously knows something about the retard mind she manipulates….

Despite being rich, successful and an icon in her own opinion of herself, she does low level internet content, probably runs an Onlyfans as s comedic hook, cash grab, cuz you can never have too much money….and despite being pregnant she still brings the nudes she likes bringing….because that’s how exhibitionists work….

So she’s sexualizing the whole getting knocked up, having sex come to completion, despite being 100 fucking years old, with a uterus you’d otherwise thought was dead….but I guess we’ll see how dead it is if the kid comes out autistic or retarded….

Either way, PREGNANCY NUDES…inappropriate and vulgar, which I think is her whole comedic hook to begin with, so it all makes sense!


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Pulls Her Tit Out at a Restaurant of the Day

Funny girl Whitney Cummings, who is clearly only a comic because it was a way into the industry that allowed her to be on stage getting as much attention as her insecure ass could get…..

Whether it was trying to make people think her lame comedy was funny, just random sex stories of being a whore turned into relateable LOLZ for the people out there who have had bad whore sex….or being the hot comic on stage, using the tits to get her TV shows, as a marketing tool…something she’s clearly still doing.

The story is that the not so funny girl is pregnant, so this is probably an old clip, but that along with her bad jokes and treatments for hit shows that have given her a stupid pile of money, she still likes to put her tits out there, even in a public setting like the trashy whore that she is, relying on the tit for attention, or as part of a pretty weak joke….

Instead of being arrested for public indecency or asked to leave, she got some “that Whitney’s so wild and free” so she posted it to her ONLYFANS, because she sells fucking nudes on ONLYFANS despite having tons of money, because that’s the kind of FUNNY girl CUMMINGS is, I guess with a name like Cummings, she was pigeonholed and forced to live up to using cumming as a way to improve her existence with easy money and opporunity.

I am a hater, but I’ll stare at the tit.

Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Titty Vein of the Day

Good one, jokester.


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Looks Fat of the Day

I used to think that I was a Comedy snob, not because I think I am funnier than most people, even though I am, but because I never find comedians funny. They seem desperate, try hard, losers who practice in front of the mirror, running the same joke over and over to tell the same joke over and over and that’s pretty trash….

But maybe I was like “hating to hate”, unable to see the GOLD that these BRILLIANT minds come up with…

As it turns out, I just don’t find commercial comedy that funny, these people just aren’t that funny, but this picture of Whitney Cum Dumpster in her full form of being cum dumped in, is pretty hilarious…

A pregnant 50 year old holding her tit with her baby growing up inside her, best joke ever….but the nice thing about it is that she didn’t use all her riches from tricking idiots into thinking she was comedic, by paying some immigrant 150k to have her baby for her, like the baby is a designer purse, like all those other old tired sluts with too much money are doing…..

Why carry a baby the way you were built, connecting you to your child in the most amazing way, when there are Mexicans ready to do it for you….DISGUSTING people…

Whitney Cumming pregnant may be disgusting, but not THAT disgusting, so I support the weird pregnant lady all hormonal getting naked in selfies for the internet like she’s important and people care, but maybe she is, cuz at her age, this is basically a science experiment they need to send out to all those OB/GYN doctors in training to learn about GERIATRIC pregnancies…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Geriatric Pregnancy of the Day

In shocking news that no one cares about, Whitney Cummings, the funny lady who I would argue is not funny and I am not even one of those sexist misogynists who doesn’t think women can be funny because I’ve known a lot of funny girls, but they just aren’t keen on getting on stage to humiliate themselves for attention, they get enough attention thanks to having tits that they don’t have shit to prove….

Anyway, the comedy store cum dumpster who you know was the pussy the comedy dudes fucked while it was still a groupie, before she became a huge overrated but well paid writer, producer, TV sitcom star and creator….which I don’t really shit on, since all sitcoms are shit, it might as well be one done by a shit comic people love….no difference…

She’s been doing the whole BOOMER on social media trying to fit in thing, which has been awkward with every titty post she puts out there, and things just got more awkward because she’s pregnant with what we’ll assume is a AUTISTIC BABY, or at least one with DOWNS SYNDROME, since her poisoned womb is far too old for this kind of behavior…

She’s at the stage in her pregnancy where she looks constipated from all the anal compacting her shit up inside her and it’s zero fucking hot, but totally disturbing..


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Spread Legged in the Pool of the Day

I am not a fan of Whitney Cummings comedy, the only thing interesting about her is her last name really, or that she didn’t fully thought on comedy and stopped withe COME, because you can’t spell women comedy without COME, that should be a meme no one understands, right…..

But I’ll break it down to you….she’s had mainstream success, which means she’s rich but that doesn’t mean she’s good, funny, interesting, talented or interesting, it just means that she’s been able to convince some people that she is, and through marketing they’ve been able to convince the mass mainstream audience that she is, because the general population are morons and laugh only because of laugh tracks, not knowing what they are laughing at.

So in being an attention seeking whore comic, I’ll assume she sucked the right dicks in the comedy circuit, it worked, so let her remind all the girls out there with a dream that despite the METOO movement, sucking dick works, and if you WANT to do it, it’s not METOO and can still get you ahead, but in this era, you just have to be VERY convincing that you’ll never turn that BJ into a media opportunity down the road….

And in being an attention seeking cumming dumpster from the COME industry, since she’s a real player in the COME industry, they’ve even given her TV SHOWS people….REAL DEAL NETWORK TV shows…..

Spreading her legs is just part of the process….


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Tit of the Day

Whitney Cummings is a rich, established, successful comedian…which doesn’t really much more than she sucked the right dick, or angled herself as a funny girl because she couldn’t make it any other way….but now that she’s had hit shows, is as accomplished as a funny bitch can be, she’s compelled to show her tits…ok….anything for shock and awe or attention I guess…

At least she’s not Sarah Silverman…..but Sarah Silverman is in the news because she’s a fucking racist who kicked out a black man dressed as her black face character in protest of her not being cancelled for being a fucking racist…..

These women are not very impressive, at least not with their shock comedy that isn’t funny, but rather just awkward as shit…but they were annoying enough to push the comedic leaders, who are by definition total fucking nerds, who managed to get rich doing comedy, despite being lame as shit and lacking any real talent, just try hards practicing jokes, never getting laid, so when tits like this come along, fat fucks like Kimmel jump on them and help take them up a notch….

This legend, MB JACKSON, just got kicked out of a Sarah Silverman concert, or show, I don’t know what you call the crap she does….because he dressed as her unfunny Black Face character:

This is her black face character:

Can you imagine Hollywood celebrated this trash….a reminder that Hollywood is shit…

Anyway, Sarah Silverman, the racist, was either scared of a black dude calling her out and had her security kick him out, or is trying to pretend her black face joke didn’t exist, you know, since she’s this inclusive liberal now…

From his Hospital Bed he wrote:

Sarah Silverman had the security goons at the Ocean Resort Casino in AC attack me and rough me up because I wore. Blackface at her show last night. I wound up in the hospital. I’m 71 years old and it took 6 of them. Apparently Sarah Silverman feels it okay for her to wear back face, but no one else.

Let’s hope she gets punished for this shit…sued, cancelled, ignored. She’s garbage….

But here’s that other one, Whitney Cummings tit that I doubt you’ll be cumming to, she’s garbage too.

Posted in:Whitney Cummings