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Archive for the Whitney Cummings Category




Whitney Cummings Pussy Print in The Pool of the Day

I remember seeing female comics like Whitney Cum-Dumpster complain when the evil and toxic patriarchy are so misogynistic towards female comics because they say things like that they aren’t funny…because they aren’t….

That’s not to saw that women aren’t funny, some of the funniest people I know are women, it’s to say that when you go for the low hanging fruit by being vulgar or crass, you’re not actually being funny, you’re being cheap….

So people like cummings are marketed as funny, despite not being funny, it’s not so much a sexist issue, it’s because they take on the CRASS and VULGAR and act like something you’d expect from an equally lame dude…I think I just hate comedians….for trying so hard to be funny. It’s not funny because of that.

So Cum-Dumpster comes out with jokes like “So I was sucking this dick and I threw up on it”….*crowd roars with laughter*…forcing anyone with a brain to think “Maybe she just manipulated men into giving them opportunties with the same mouths they spew their vile jokes out of…

It worked out alright for Cum Dumpster who pulled off the hot comic enough to land a few TV shows that have made her rich as shit….all while not deserving it based on her talent alone…but talent doesn’t actually exist, it’s really about who you know or who you dick suck…

That said, she’s old, she’s gross, she’s vulgar just to look at…and you know her comedy continues to suck since it always has, and her latest joke is instagram bathing suit content where she’s pretending to be hot…

But these are tits, they got her paid heavy, so stare at them…she’s probably on one of her last periods cuz she’s old…so they are all swolled up..


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Gross of the Day

I don’t like Whitney Cummings or her comedy, it’s a matter of opinion and I actually hate 99 percent of comedy because comedians never come across as cool people you’d want to hang with, but rather a group of losers you’d find practicing their jokes during lunch while the cool kids are busy getting high or their dicks sucks in the AV room…

I do like the Whitney Cummings marketed herself as a hot comic, confusing the nerd loser comics, who try so hard to be funny that despite being pathetic, pays off for them so that they can feel validated in being the losers that they are…but yeah, I like that she was the hot chick amongst the losers and it landed her TV shows and tons of money so that she can lay around in her pool in the lame feminist bikini they sell for the Free the Nipple Movement to make a point that banning nipples on social media is wrong….but banning any information about COVID or VACCINEs that goes against the government’s narrative is right…

What I am saying is she’s a blue haired….which is the worst kind of activist…

The most interesting this content has to offer is trying to figure out what this zoomed in lumpy bowl of oatmeal that is her thigh to pussy connector? Do you think she’s got some sort of Lymphoma? It does look like it could be from some lymphnode swelling…maybe an allergic reaction, or COVID…or even a SEX change…is that where her balls were before deciding to transition and become the comic you all jerk off to cuz she has tits and makes sex jokes…who cares…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Tit Cream of the Day

I have never been into Whitney Cummings…and not even because I don’t think women comics are funny, I know a lot of funny girls who make me laugh….I just think all comics are fucking losers, contrived bullshit losers, saying the same jokes over and over….whether they win at life or not…

Stand up comedy is really lame….and laughing is overrated…and making retards laugh with basic observations is hardly a skill to have…you see people are idiots and making them laugh is easy…

That said, I also don’t think getting famous from Comedy as a chick doing Comedy is that big of an accomplishment, I am sure Whitney Cummings probably thinks it is, but if you’re a DJ whore at the hottest clubs in VEGAS, you may become a Halsey pop star topping charts…like if you’re a comedy club whore who spends every night of the week at the comedy club amongst loser comics…you’re bound to get opportunities…if that comedy club is in LA…she was just smart enough to be into comedy or to manipulate comics with her tits to get where she wants to go..

She’s now rich as shit because she’s sold a series of hit TV shows, so it all worked out fo her….but I guess still appreciates male attnetion like she did at the Comedy clubs when she was starting out…because she’s posting these weird nudes of her getting some cosmetic procedure to stay as hot as she can…since she played that whole hot chick card…but if she was serious about being hot, she’d probably drop the blue lesbian hair….looks like she’s going to a BLM protest or some other WOKE shit as those genderless weirdos are the only ones with Blue Hair…isn’t she a little old for that?

I appreciate the nudity, even if it is hardly nudity and even if I don’t appreciate what it looks like…it’s the thought that counts…but like the people who hooked her up before fame….tits can be manipulative…even when they are old…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings in the Bath of the Day

Whitney Cummings is a ridiculously successful comic, turned TV producer, with some hit shows under her belt, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t suck….

I remember recently seeing her hot the Kimmel show when he was on break and it was brutal….without the laugh track her jokes just sucked…but probably not as hard as she did to get where she got…

I think stand up comedy is the lamest of things a person can do…practicing being funny in front of the mirror to get that perfect 45 minutes…standing on stage to a bunch of laughing idiots thinking you matter or what you do is art…just seems pretty stupid…whether it ends up paying really well or not…but yeah, if I think it is lame, I am pretty sure that means people drawn to it are lame, and they’d be fucking pumped a girl like Whitney would fuck with them….and if you’re a girl trying to make it in Hollywood, they say the comedy scene is a hard way to do it, but clearly it isn’t since there are a ton of women comics, but women will whine about how hard everything they do is…from waking up, to getting ready, to cooking, cleaning, birthing babies, having sex…it’s a never ending “it’s so hard being a woman”….so naturally a female comic will say it was a challenge to wear lowcut shirts, flirt with the power players, tell some jokes about sucking dick to get their attention and interest in testing out the goods…whether she sucked their dicks or not, they are an easy crew to seduce and win over..like sending the hot girl in to the nerds to get them to do her homework…I mean women control sex, are the power players in all situations….whether they admit it or not, they know it is true…

Anyway, in keeping up with being rich for being unfunny, but a good seductress, which is a talent of it’s own, unless you find her funny, which is possible, I mean people believe what they are told….but yeah…she’s naked in the tub, her big tits out, because this comic understands being crass and seduction…it’s why she exists…so why not it for social media relevance, everyone else is staying alive on there…why not cummings.

Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings and Olivia Munn Sauna Orgy of the Day

Whitney Cummings Olivia Munn Sauna

I dislike Olivia Munn, the scammer who moved to LA to become famous, only to land a shitty hosting gig that luckily targeted the nerds, who she manipulated with her nerd speak, and in turn used them to get a solid fan base because nerds are weak, but loyal, SIMPS…..she still tries so hard to get attention from….She’s the kind of girl who got some mainstream work, even if it was undeserving based on her talent and her lying to her fans, when really she’s more the kind of girl who belongs on selling nude fan site….she is the kind of girl who would go fully clothed in a Sauna for attention…or to cocktease…that’s what these kinds of women do….

I also dislike Whitney Cummings, not because I don’t think women are funny, or that women can’t be comics, that’s just something we say because it pisses these bitches off, but more importantly, a lot of girls I know are hilarious, not some try hard, potty mouth chasing clout or whatever from being a potty mouth, scam…..Whitney Cummings and her comedy act she slaved away at because she’s one of those losers who think she’s funny and practices her jokes in front of the mirror…has never made me laugh…I did see her replace Kimmel a few months ago and it was what the internet would call CRINGEWORTHY….there was no canned laughter or audience so without the awkwardness of them being told to laugh the radio silence generated radio silence from anyone watching…showcasing just how hard she sucks..

I mean….figuratively….her literal sucking hard is a thing of the past because it’s allowed her to sell multiple TV shows she’s been paid heavy on, so heavy she can afford a Sauna…because when you’re in the fucking system, the system hooks you up, whether you’re good or not….

This is a hangout of a bunch of losers who think they’ve won, and Cummings and her big titties getting grabbed while in panties looking sloppy as shit may excite you…I think it’s a little too real…cry for attention…hyped on theselves…garbage…but tits are still getting grabbed by whores….fun.


Posted in:Olivia Munn|Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Nudity of the Day

Whitney Cummings Ass

Whitney Cummings is a modern day success story in sucking the right dick…in the Comedy scene and getting her own show.

Stand Up comedy is an interesting thing, I mean it’s not that interesting, if anything it is pretty fucking dumb and embarrassing, usually these nerd fuck losers who think they are funny, that have crafted a 45 minute comedy set of their “observations” that they have memorized the timing on like they were high school drama club, to ensure the LAUGHS….it is an art form for losers with egos that happens to be something idiot fans are into and buy into because they like to laugh.

So within the stand-up scene, the comics have groupies, like they are their own version of a rock star, because girls are sluts and like anyone on stage, whether they have commercial success or not.

SO….these loser dudes, who crafted a script that makes people laugh, who are getting pussy and treated like kings, only to be scooped up and hired by the entertainment industry to produce comedy for them…end up rich as fuck…while being idiots the entire time.

So it was pretty easy for a busty, almost hot girl to enter the entertainment industry by being a comedy groupie.

Her goal was to be an actress, but realized it is too competitive, so she started hitting the comedy clubs, with a routine because they need girls on the bill, and the other comics around were smitten that a hot chick made it to their world….

She was in LA comedy scene, an easy one to climb the ladder in if you have a low level of talent and tits….and from there she got a series of TV show deals.

So now she’s rich, she’s made it, she’s still not a respected actor, but who needs to be, she made comedy work for her…and has a podcast…and a twitter…and money…what more does she fucking need.

I guess nudes to draw attention to herself…and these are those nudes….at 37 why the fuck not…it’s not gonna last, hell it’s barely lasting…

Whitney Cummings Ass


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Nipple Extortion of the Day

Whitney Cummings Nipple Nudity Instagram

Whitney Cummings is a terrible fucking comedian, I don’t care what anyone says. I get that she sucked some proper dick, or charmed some idiot decision makers in Hollywood, and I get that she’s had some hit shows that she’s produced and made millions from, and I don’t discount or discredit that hustle, but there are many people out there with lesser talent, or with no talent, wh figured out how to milk the system.

I accidentally watched her Netflix special, or at least 5-7 minutes of it before being disgusted and turning it off.

I assume that she’s out here tits out trying to promote the shit…because it was that bad and needs to get some hype behind it and anyone with tits knows that this is how you get hype – fuck – she made a career off these tits where people would say “she’s not that funny” but “she’s got tits”..

Anyway, here is her rant about exposing her nipple on instagram claming she is being extorted..right…

Here is her other social media nudity..cuz that’s her tactics…

what is this FACE? It’s bad…like her comedy special…trying to be relatable but just being dog shit…

Here’s a link to our Newsletter I plan on sending out with exclusive content and gifts…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Funny Girl Whitney Cummings Slutty in a Funny Bathing Suit of the Day

Whitney Cummings is probably best known for being a “Hot” comedian….now that it is not accepted to apply a gender to a person like back in the day when she was seen as a “hot” Female Comedienne….oh how the world has changed in the dumbest fucking way…

I was never overly impressed with her crass sense of humor because it is easy for girls to make vulgar jokes and seem more shocking or interesting than if a dude was to do it.

I just figured if I was a hot woman, and I may be, you’d never know, this is the internet and that would be my best fucking troll…breaking into comedy would be easy.

Comedians are losers who practice being funny, which means they likely didn’t get laid before they got famous from practicing being funny, which means that a girl like CUMMINGS who even has an appropriate name for the gig moved in and the world was her oyster…a hot chick amongst nerds trying to be funny…easy target, easy pickings…etc.

If you have a dream, it’s easy to make it happen, when you look good.

That said, she took her sex, dick sucking, comedy, made some hit TV shows, and is set for fucking life, so it worked out nicely for her.

I have said that I hate girl comedians, but it’s never been about whether they can be funny or not. I like girls, I prefer girls to guys, and girls can be funny.

I just thought it was reducing themselves to clickbait, when there are far better things they can be doing to reduce themselves to get attention, like getting half naked.

As it turns out, women are a versatile species capable of both kinds of clickbait…

So here’s rich as fuck CUMMINGS to CUM to.

Posted in:SFW|Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Funny Tits in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t like funny girls…especially when they aren’t funny to begin with and just joke around about sucking dick and dating…..and the struggles of being a woman…with a dirty fucking mouth because they are pandering to women who can relate….and dudes who like staring at their tits.

I don’t like funny anything really….I don’t like stand up comedy. I don’t like sitcoms. I don’t like comedy movies. I find it all so fucking stupid and not funny.

I don’t like people who pride themselves on being funny, or who have decided they are funny and have made a life out of being funny, when I am too autistic to understand their jokes.

I do like tits, and Whitney Cummings, possibly a failed actress, who chose comedy because it’s easy target, low barrier of entry, comedians who are the patriarchy are easy to manipulate with tits….and so am I….

She is rich as hell…thanks to a few hit shows….and she has tits…which is really what matters.


Posted in:SFW|Whitney Cummings




Whitney Cummings Topless in the Bath in Blackface Making More Racist Jokes that Roseanne of the Day

Whitney Cummings TIts in the Bath

Whitney Cummings is a not so interesting story, of a girl who I assume wanted to be a serious actress but never made it as one, so she decided to do comedy, because she knew she’d be able to manipulate and keep up with the funny guys, because she knew she was always the hot funny girl in her group of friends, and the hot funny girl is likeable especially when comics are notoriously insecure losers who can’t get laid…

So she climbed the ranks, talking shit, and managed to seduce the right people to buy into her, thanks to having tits, and for that reason alone, she’s produced a ton of hit shows, and is rich as fuck.

Sure you can argue she’s talented or has a great stage presence or that her comedy is good…but I don’t know any of her jokes, I’ve never heard her stand up, I find comedy as whole dumb as fuck, seeing a bunch of losers rehearse jokes to make people laugh, like the sole purpose is to make people laugh, is way too much effort, way too try hard, and way to weird for me to fuck with….

But I will say, I am sure her jokes are basic as fuck, accessible as fuck, maybe a little off color and quirky, but ultimately…I doubt they are revolutionary or interesting – but the tits…the tits so exciting…the tits is the real reason she exists…I’m sure of it.

Give a nerd some attention, he’s signing over his life to you, or at least bringing you on to produce shows for him….

Hot girls, or girls who position themselves as hot, go far in life.

So Roseanne, a Comedian who didn’t use her looks to get ahead, back before hot chicks did comedy and her look was expected, because what else is a fat who chick who likes to perform to do besides be funny… can’t get away with calling black people apes….but CUMMINGS can do blackface….seems a little biased…right?

Posted in:Whitney Cummings