I'll Make You Famous…




Awkward and Annoying Skinny Girl with the Great Tits of the Day

Yourina Calls , who I guess also goes by @you.rinka, who I guess is also an exclusive content vendor, who I am sure makes some pretty un-jerk-off-able content, because you can just tell.

There is a fine line between hot and annoying and figuring out what is too annoying to see the hotness because it overpowers it and I guess this Yourina chick wants to walk that fine line…

She’s not the hottest looking girl around, but maybe she is and she just doesn’t want to be another hot chick, so she does dumb content with her body that is ridiculous….to still get the fans, but without being a cheesy “I’m a hot chick” poser, while still trying to make money off being the hot chick with the hot tits.

She is clearly aware of her hot body, since she monetizes it, but instead of just doing hot content, she wants to show her personality and be as unattractive as possible in the content that she monetizes and the whole thing is weird.

There are plenty of ugly chicks who play the whole hot chick thing up like a bunch of try hards, and manage to pull it off, so an actual hot body could be a huge star, but instead she tries to make an uncomfortable joke out of the whole thing. Intentionally trying to not be hot while simultaneously trying to be hot. So weird.

Instead of being just hot and about this half naked shit, she does awkward and uncomfortable shit you’d expect from an awkward and uncomfortable girl getting naked for you, while still getting naked for you…..

Like if you were to bring a bitch home for a fuck and she just says and does weird nervous things, not like crying because she’s in bed with you, or struggling to breath cuz you have her gagged and tied to your bed, but actual awkward things, like weird dances or groundhogging in doggy style position, or weird cringeworthy statements like “Oh that’s your Wee Wee in my VOO VOO” or some shit when trying to talk dirt….you get what I am saying, the near boner killers that still don’t kill the boners but that challenge your boner…

I can’t even think of experiences that have given me the same feeling as this girl does with the hot tits, trolling us with dumb content to prove that hot tits is all it takes, but I know I have been face to face with a weird dance or two, or a weird ass spread, or a weird theatrical performance that leaves me confused, like the time I couldn’t get it up for a girl, it happens when you’re impotent, and she danced around the room saying “take it in, this is the hottest pussy you’ll ever see”, long before tiktok, while not being the hottest pussy I ever saw, and definitely not doing anything for the boner….

The hot body is hot, but the attitude of a nerd and not in a cosplay way other nerds can buy into but in a blowing her nose because that’s her twitch, thanks to her social awkwardness and austism and not in a good way way…

I feel inspired to post this weirdness that she probably thinks is her art….or her comedy…or her troll because it’s annoying, but the bouncy boobs are amazing and clearly outweigh her attempted weirdness…but she’s walking that fine fucking line brother.

Find her and her tits on INSTAGRAM

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