I'll Make You Famous…




Millie Bobby Brown Bikini Top of the Day

I did not watch Stranger Things, that shit was fucking fake and gay and the fact that the world embraced it as hard as they did, you know harder than any woman’s ever embraced my cock, even angrily, you know harder than they embrace a Taylor Swift concert tour, an experimental VACCINE (Had to throw that in), other HIVE mind shit that you look at and say, “God, people are really followers and have no opinion of their own now do they”…..

So I didn’t get the whole Mille Bobby Brown appeal, but seeing as she was like 10 years old when the show came out, the fact that her 18th birthday was a celebration to dudes everywhere, was a little disturbing, especially in these times….

It wasn’t like she was going to jump into porn the next day, or show her tits and asshole, and it’s a little weird to have crushes on characters from TV you’ve watched from 12 years old….but AT least some of you waited until she turned 18 to get it done….

Anyway, she’s likely in her 20s by now, she marrying Bon Jovi’s kid, which we hope doesn’t include Bon Jovi singing at her wedding, since Bon Jovi fucking sucks, and she’s been rocking bikinis on the regular, with tits out, bigger than you’d expect, since the last time a non-stranger things person saw her, she was 12….


Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown