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Archive for the Millie Bobby Brown Category




Millie Bobby Brown Jovi’s AI Nudes are Retarded of the Day

I guess we live in a world where you can go in one of two directions.

The first direction is turning your back on the computer and all the noise, bad posture, unhappiness and propaganda it feeds you.

Forcing you go back into real life, escaping this video game to experience the true human experience.

You know, like how your mom used to make you go outside to play on weekends, instead of playing videogames….

Or we can commit to those videogames like the lazy, stunted, scared of living, scared of adventure, stuck in routine, made to believe the internet is real life, convinced that the people’s uploads to social media you engage with that are just about making them money, is really what life is about, instead of having a conversation in person…..the lonely, segregated, depressing prison life….

Choose the internet life because this site relies on your unhappiness, loneliness, laziness, lack of motivation, commitment to the screen to accidentally land here when you google search “hiding things in my asshole for entertainment when I am sad”…

You know, top tier search inquiries…PORNHUB is the first result for porn and sex, well maybe I’ll be the first result for the one obscure search because I wrote it in one of this mind numbing and depressing posts…

Don’t just choose internet for me, choose it for all it has to offer like AI chicks, who practically look like real chicks and they are just as dead in the eyes without all the anti-depressants, and they are just as muppet instagram bodied without the filters or the fillers and injections, because THEY are in the instagram filter….

The women being turned into AI pretend to hate it, but the AI version of them doing porn probably gets them off….seeing them do things they always wanted to do while knowing dudes are desperate enough to hop into that fantasy too.

Unfortunately, the women who are being turned into AI porn act like they are mad at it, because they have to, even if they are secretly jerking off to it.

I just don’t really think jerking off to robot or artificial women is that big of a deal, sure it’s sad, but the women on the internet being jerked off to, even when human are robots and artificial…just made of actual skin.

I do think jerking off to cartoons is fucking creepy, but when the cartoons are practically interchangeable with actual women, choose the cartoons, because they don’t get their periods and don’t act up, they just do and say what you’ve programmed them to.

Sure, it takes the human experience out of things, that element of surprise, but you’re not having a human experience, so you might as well have a harem of your favorite pussy doing what you want it to do sexually when you want it to do it.

It’s about you loser nerd incel fuck….

We’re not quite where we need to be in terms of AI, sure it’s better than cropping a celeb face on a porn body, but it’s not quite sexbot to replace annoying women time.

Take these Millie Bobby Brown AI porn pics for example, they’re retarded….and don’t even look like AI, but rather badly cropped faces on naked bodies doing LEWD things like holding a condom full of cum…BAD BON JOVI GIRL….

She may hate that people are jerking off to them, but I’m sure 90 percent of the chicks turned into AI porn love it so much that they’ll release their own competitive porn and pretend it’s AI for the thrill….

The future of this living in a pod, eating bugs not pugs, seems bright in all it’s depressing…in a good way.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bon Jovi’s Cameltoe of the Day

“We’re halfway there”…..is what Mille Bon Jovi’s shorts are saying as they try to climb all the way up her cunt…because all pants on girls who are married to the sons of rockstars use lyrics from their father-in-law’s hits to describe how aggressive of a cameltoe they bring.


Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown Jovi’s Stranger Thing of the Day

Millie Bobbie Brown Jovi is the star of STRANGER THINGS which is the creepy reason she has pervert fans….

Millie Bobbie Brown Jovi is in Italy visiting her New Jersey Italian husband’s motherland…..in her thong swimsuit, which is really the only kind of swimsuit I like.

The paparazzi caught a classy picture of her swimsuit, that looks like you can see her ass cheeks from the front from the legs up on her back gynecological angle all while her barely covered vagina hangs out…

I know a woman who calls her vagina her THING…so here’s Bobbie Bon Jovi’s stranger THING…


Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Big Titty Millie Bobby Brown Jovi Shows Her Underwear of the Day

Millie Bobby Brown is married to Bon Jovi’s son which isn’t all that exciting really…but if you like jerking off to women who are spoken for.

If you’re a fucking loser and that your life is just a series of coveting other people’s things because you can’t get your own…then the fact that she’s married may be a fetish to you.

To the rest of you who don’t care that she’s married because you don’t over analyze the tits that you look at or care who or what fucks the tits, since you don’t know the tits besides seeing them on a screen….then here are those tits.

Sure, Millie Bobby Brown Jovi’s fan base is questionable, since the majority only know her from being a kid on TV, but some of us only discovered her in her direct to consumer, manipulating the fans, doing her instagram version of QVC vending that pays and she shows off her tits in that content…..

In other news, she wears her pants low enough to see her panties, which for a panty fetishist is exciting, even though I prefer thinking no panties are being warn, just raw denim raw dogging the raw pussy like it was Bon Jovi’s kid…but if it’s a new fashion trend, I’ll go with it since I can also panty fetish with the best of them….it’s not quite a talent or skill, but it’s something unappealing for sure.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown’s Deleted TikTok Titty Slip of the Day


Millie Bobby Brown is a huge star thanks to being a child on a huge TV show thanks to the hive mind plugging themselves into the same fucking thing like the sheep trying to go unnoticed amongst the collective group that they are….

I didn’t watch the show and even if I did, I’m not the kind of creeper who anxiously awaits for the 18th birthday to sexualize her with ease due to the letter of the law….

I am a definite creeper in a lot of fucking ways, that just doesn’t happen to be one of them because the under 18s are fucking annoying, even the under 25s are fucking annoying and I’m old and don’t like being annoyed….

My kind of creeping happens when they do the work for me, like when they start sexualizing themselves so I don’t have to, which in Millie Bon Jovi’s case happens on social media with her tits.

She’s been braless, hard nippled, and probably serious jerk off material to her stunted nerd fans…..

She’s now flashed the tit on her TikTok, like she didn’t know she was having a tit slip, all this shit is intentional, it doens’t just happen by accident…

Now that her tits popped out, we’re better for it, so thank Millie for that exhibitionism before she deleted it because she’s a mainstream act and has to posture her flashing as “oopsie”…

This was sent in by my good friend Willie….keep the good times rolling with your keen eye on the celeb tit slips brother….

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown is a Wife on her Knees of the Day

Millie Bobby Brown is the Stranger Things child actress that perverts eagerly waited until she turned 18, because they are decent perverts who don’t sexualize girls on the shows they masturbate to, until they are of legal fuck age.

I didn’t watch that show, so she’s always been legal fuck age to me, and is also some over followed media whore who’s been made into a wife, because she married Bon Jovi’s kid this past week or two.

To celebrate she went to the fair in her tight shorts that read “Wifey” and a hat that reads “Wife of the Party” almost like she’s milking this whole marriage in a way that people jerking off to her when she is on her knees will know she’s spoken for…she is MILLIE BOBBY BROWN BON JOVI….

This may not be TRAD WIFE movement, but it’s tight shorts and that’s gotta count for something.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown Behind the Scenes Tits of the Day

Since I didn’t watch Stranger Things, while the rest of the world watched Stranger Things, and thought that Stranger Things was the most important addition to TV history….

I have no problem staring at Millie Bobby Brown’s big tits in a tight shirt behind the scenes at one of her photoshoots for her direct to consumer brand she runs on social media because she’s got a lot of fans and it’s an easy cash grab.

I am sure the people who watched Stranger Things don’t mind staring at her big tits behind the scenes of a photoshoot either, but they are a little creepier when they do it because they watched her and loved her on TV when she was 12….

I know she’s involved in some Drake messaging her as a kid story, like he used to call her on his cell phone or some shit, but maybe he was just laying the groundwork for these tits….some call it creepy, others call it planning.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown in a Tight Shirt of the Day

I’ve been seeing a lot of Millie Bobby Brown news circulating through Memes, because apparently Kendrick Lamar released a dis track about Drake, calling him out for liking them young, because he’s potentially on some Epstein flight logs, or because he sent DMs to Millie Bobby Brown when she was 12, a story I don’t remember hearing, but thanks to the Memes, I know all about….with all the journalistic integrity you’d expect from a Meme….

Anyway, she does have a creepy fan base of people who fell for her when she was 12, not just Drake, but normal dudes with their stunted brains still thinking they are in High School, but I assume those dudes aren’t into her tight shirt because she’s grown out of their scope…

I didn’t watch Stranger Things, so I can look at her tits as if they are just any old celebrity tits, not some celebrity I saw grow up before my eyes, waiting for the tits to grow out tits…and that’s a good thing.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown is Clickbaitin’ with the Mirror Selfie of the Day

Millie Bobby Brown is Better than Bobby Brown’s mill, which we assume he would grind his crack up in like it was pepper, which is probably better than Millie Bobby Brown, because crack is one of those things people who do crack REALLY fucking love, so it can’t be that bad. I mean they’ll rob, kill, steal, prostitute themselves for that shit.

Millie Bobby Brown is as alive but probably more vibrant than the actual Bobby Brown, thanks to her youth and being on a hit TV show that I’ve never really seen, but that millions of people have seen and are psycho fans of.

She’s clearly taking on the social media influencer who sells products to her audience pretty seriously, because she is posting hard nipple pyjama selfies, which you know go directly to the hearts and balls of those nerd fans that think she’s a dream girl, I’m not talking about Bon Jovi’s son who is engaged to her, I’m talking about the weirdo Stranger Things fans she’s catering to.

When you see a slutty selfie, even in the form of basic pyjamas, not thonged, mesh or sheer lingerie and there is visible hard nipple going on, you know this is clickbaitin for your masturbating….it’s a hustle….and probably better that she does it than if she didn’t.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Millie Bobby Brown has Nipples of the Day

Millie Bobby Brown is the Stranger Things girl. She was cast on the hit show when she was a tween, which targeted a bunch of stunted nerdy grown men to get excited and fall in love with her like she was Emma Watson in Harry Potter, only for her to eventually turn 18, and for them to all collectively pull their dicks out and jerk off to the first pic posted of her as a legal chick, because not all creeps are that perverted and some of these weird crushes on child stars stem from being stunted and finding some emotional attachment to the girl that they’d never disrespect, but that they would jerk off to at 18.

Not that I know anything about these weirdos, I’m just making assumptions from the adult nerds I know who play dress up and watch cartoons as adults. They are creepy, but not predators.

Anyway, in very important news, she’s got nipples.

She’s not one of those double mastectomy girls, or inverted nipple girls, and that’s probably SUPER exciting for you SUPER MAN loving freaks.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown