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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t really know why girls who get named on the internet incorporate weed into their content, is it because they find weed cool, a crutch, or a distraction from the fact they are naked, or are they trying to appeal to nerdy weed dudes who identify as weed demons and who only like bitches who get down with weed, because they are on the same wave length or whatever….

I don’t really like the whole weed thing to being with, fucking hippies with their chilled out fucking hippie bullshit, all fucking laid back and slow talking like “they are so stoned man”….

I don’t think stoned girls increase my chances of getting laid, if anything stoners are annoying about basically everything and not fun or blacked out enough to make bad decisions…

So why would I be into this shit, oh right, the nakedness aspect…..fine.

Posted in:Weed