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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I always had an issue with weed, as a drinker, I just found it to be some lame hippie free love bullshit that got in the way of my anger and rage, but over the years I’d smoke some fucking weed to see what the hype was, sometimes while wasted and trying to sedate a woman into making sweet love to me, only to realize that the weed killed their sex drive harder than them realizing they were about to have sex with me, so I learned early on that black-out drunk was my friend, back when it was socially acceptable to have bad drunk sex, making bad drunk decisions, before it turned into the modern definition of rape…even when both parties were down for the fucking…

Anyway, weed is now legal in Canada and has been for a while, which I find very suspicious, especially now that I walk down the streets and see all kinds of people sucking their weed in like it’s their medicine, even those in masks who still fear the air, are pulling down those masks to get their weed up in their weak scared lungs…

From old ladies, to rich dudes, to middle agers, then there’s immigrants like Indians and Arabs all loving the weed like it’s the best shit ever, waiting in lines to get it at government facilities, and it’s all WAY too fucking suspicious to me….

I’m as paranoid as a traditional weed smoker is supposed to be, what’s in the weed, is it angel dust, why does the MAN want me high, it seems like there would be a reason for that, does it make us lazy, complicit, to stoned to fight or contest their LOCKDOWN actions, SEDATE the population and things will be smoother than when the population are a bunch of angry drunks…

But I don’t mind when girls use weed in their slutty content, it’s a little weird, lame, showing off that they smoke weed, like who fucking cares, you good complicit government supported consumer…..but the slutty content overrides all that noise….so here’s a round up…

Posted in:Weed