I'll Make You Famous…




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Thongs are like Barbie, Taylor Swift concerts, Feminism, Transgenderism, tattoos, drag queen story time, experimental vaccines, Fast and the Furious, Kardashians, bikini waxes, being into porn and all the other ridiculous trends that the internet hive mind, or more specifically the female hive mind buy into at such a level because they think they have to buy into those things to exist and because of that, billions of dollars are collectively spent by women who were convinced that they needed to things to fit in.

So women dropped full-back bikini underwear for the pesky tanlines, for thongs to fit in, despite thongs still having tanlines and more importantly were often pulled up just over the low rise pants so dudes have no doubts a thong was on the ass they were staring at.

As it turns out, the thong doesn’t cover the assholes, which turns out to be a bonus for other hive mind activities like slutty selfies, because we can see the asshole without coming across as desperate perverts saying “show me your asshole” which tends to turn off the girl producing the slutty selfies with your direction, because sometimes the coveted asshole pic needs to come together organically….which THONGS can help with…

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong