I'll Make You Famous…




Em Rat Cow’s Brings the Crabs Back to the Beach with her Latest Mom Crotch in a Bikini Shot of the Day

I read somewhere that Em Rata or Em Rat Cow as we lovingly call her used to be a misogynist in her approach to life, a straight up woman chaser before trying to polarize being a sex working level of instagram model, because she got famous for her NUDES, into being some sort of fake feminist, modern feminist mission….she’s not the brightest, you see she had to drop out of school to maintain her instagram famous life….

Well, with a face like that, I believe she was a misogynist, because despite having seen her vagina numerous times thanks to feminism, I know she doesn’t have a dick, but a hard face like that tells a different story…one of a misogynist who just happens to have great tits, probably fake, but still great, even post baby thanks to what we’ll assume is a “Mommy makeover” these whores get to maintain their pre baby whore bodies…FUN!

Well this isn’t about her tits, it’s about pussy in a bikini at the beach….

Posted in:Em Rat Cow