Her name is Renee Olstead, she’s a TV starlet who never really was, but she was enough to be on a TV show that people actually watched. It makes the fact that she chose to hop into the exclusive content game rather than go to auditions pretty fun. I guess selling nudes is not selling your body, and it’s more lucrative than shitty pay scale the actors get. Plus not being forced to suck up to some of the biggest try hard losers who were drawn to the entertainment industry, hoping to run those casting couches, because they were losers drawn the glitz and glam of being business men in Hollywood because when you make it in Hollywood you get power, cool factor and all that other stuff they don’t inherently have. Most importantly, the hot chicks who are drawn to Hollywood are as desperate as the loser execs and they’ll fuck them as hard as they can for an opportunity, which is selling your body not selling nudes and that probably smells better while allowing you to sleep at night…
Here are her tits!
Posted in:Renee Olstead