I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears is Speaking in Code of the Day

Britney Spears is apparently going through a divorce, which means her actor husband who we all assume is just her handler’s contract is finally up, so he can take the money and run, or at least use his celebrity as being Britney’s husband to get him more acting gigs, so that all his acting dreams can come true, and he can live his fit pit boy at the gay pool parties in Palm Springs dreams to the fullest…he’s pretty fucking gay.

I am of the conspiracy that Britney is dead or institutionalized and that they are posting old content, replacement / body double content, or even just an AR filter because it’s the internet and you can easily manipulate the minds of the masses who want to believe.

I do not believe that she’s free and I do read into her weird ass content posts as some cryptic retard shit, which could just be a crazy Britney that they want us to believe is crazy so that when they kill her off everyone saw it coming, or it could just be Britney trolling us because she’s bored, it is possible she has access to her social media and runs it like a cat mom in her 40s who works as cashier in Louisiana…but it’s hardly as fun than it being a cog in the satanic agenda’s matrix….

I would assume if I was Britney Spears, along with masturbating in front of the mirror, possibly on video for the fans, maybe even launching an OnlyFans…I’d take my freedom to far more fun adventures than sitting in her ugly ass mansion….if you’re going to be crazy while crashing and burning, make it fun…

Here’s her weird cryptic posts:

Posted in:Britney Spears


