Here’s Britney Spears giving her half naked tribute to the Trench Coat Mafia, who like her, were jacked up so hard on anti-depressants that their fried brains made them do crazy shit, only instead of shooting up schools for gun control or to start a school shooting trend to make Americans feel unsafe in the institutions that were once safe…she’s dancing like a lunatic.
Maybe this gives you Carmen San Diego fetishists something to really commit to, because you haven’t jerked off to Carmen San Diego since the 90s….
Or maybe you just like seeing old ass Britney in a thong.
I will not commit to saying this is Britney and not a Body Double or AI….because i like to thin k the real Britney is dead and they’ve swapped her out with some crackwhore with a tooth gap.
I will say that whoever it is, I’ll look at her crazy cunt in sheer panties and boots….dancing like a psychopath at the intersection trying to get some change….because it’s BRITNEY BITCH…
Posted in:Britney Spears