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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Trench Coat Mafia Britney in Lingerie and a Hat of the Day

Here’s Britney Spears giving her half naked tribute to the Trench Coat Mafia, who like her, were jacked up so hard on anti-depressants that their fried brains made them do crazy shit, only instead of shooting up schools for gun control or to start a school shooting trend to make Americans feel unsafe in the institutions that were once safe…she’s dancing like a lunatic.

Maybe this gives you Carmen San Diego fetishists something to really commit to, because you haven’t jerked off to Carmen San Diego since the 90s….

Or maybe you just like seeing old ass Britney in a thong.

I will not commit to saying this is Britney and not a Body Double or AI….because i like to thin k the real Britney is dead and they’ve swapped her out with some crackwhore with a tooth gap.

I will say that whoever it is, I’ll look at her crazy cunt in sheer panties and boots….dancing like a psychopath at the intersection trying to get some change….because it’s BRITNEY BITCH…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Pussy Dance of the Day

It’s interesting that the root word in pussy is puss.

I’m not an educated linguistics expert and I don’t know nothing about English Literature, but it’d be far nicer if we referred to her pussy as the gaping, dried up mom hole that it is….What’s worse than puss….NECROSIS….so maybe this is not a pussy dance, or even a mouldy dance, it’s fucking CORPSE dance…since Britney is dead.

I have a hard time the original Britney Spears is alive, I think this is body doubles, AI Britney, because it’d be too much of a liability to keep her alive.

Maybe, they just packaged her as so crazy no one will take her seriously in her stories of abuse she tells, some retirement years as a forgotten pop star, despite being one of the most important popstars, where people just write her off as a fucking nutter.

Her self produced content is weird, on that beheading videos of liveleak level of uncomfortable, do you remember Stile Project? Where is that site now and why don’t they LINK to me?

I mean Britney in her panty dances for instagram is almost a nightmare, but the kind you can jerk off to, or even have a nocturnal emission to, because it’s an old, aged-out popstar in boots and sheer underwear….

I think this is old content, repurposed content, but I also think you can see her labia in the sheer underwear and I’m into that kind of thing….because as a pervert, I would lick the dried up scabs so hard I’d re-hydrate them like when I soak my beans…turning raisins back into grapes…until suffocating and dying…..

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Dance Video of the Day

After my rage towards Sydney Sweeney for a lack of respect of her audience, a cash grab lie instead of using marketing dollars for good….

I turned to Britney Spears, who goes by XILA MARIA RIVER RED who luckily posted a compilation dance video from the grave….

So we all know we’re going to be OK…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Pink Bikini of the Day

I am convinced that Britney Spears is dead, but how could she be dead if she’s reposting weird bikini pics as part of storyline that she’s moving to Mexico for the prescription drugs that don’t need prescriptions!

Those US dollars go far in Pesos….

You can buy a lot of TACOS with some Britney money.


She could still be dead and this could be AI, old footage, a body double…MANY options….

I’m just happy to watch her, dead or alive, in a bikini because I live a sad sad life.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears’ New Dance Video from her Cell of the Day

Britney Spears brings her middle aged mom gunt in a tight dress to a creepy New Dance video.

There’s debate whether this is Britney Spears or a Body Double pretending to be Britney Spears, because people have a hard time accepting that their heroes have seemingly fallen, or at the very least developed vertigo and have a hard time keeping their balance, but it could just be the meds or her inner demons taking over her body.

The truth is these harmless dance videos of someone we’ll accept as being a crazy Britney Spears are fun to watch because they are unstable, erratic, involve her grabbing tits, remind us that crazy bitches make the best fucks and it’s fun.

If I had my choice, which I don’t because like Britney I am a prisoner….I would spend my life figuring out how to get into her inner circle to K-Fed her before menopause officially makes her barren….

Britney is magical, even if this isn’t Britney and I would devote my life to having first row seats on this in efforts to save her.


But first, let me watch her dance weirdly and with as much passion as she can muster up on the TRANQS from a home she never leaves…..

Here she is doing her weird dances from her prison cell she calls home:

Here she is in her red satanic – not SANTANIC – outfit where she does the GOTHS UNDER THE BRIDGE raver dance for the demons in her brain….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears is Coming At Us in Red of the Day

I don’t know if this is Britney Spears channelling Jack Black in his Dear Satan movie, which promises kids that you don’t have to sell your soul to the devil for him to bring back your brother, you just have to be willing to….

You know she’s all seductive in red and black, doing her awkward dance, probably shot in hell, not her personal prison hell, but ACTUAL hell, where these celebs hangout…

As awkward and unprofessional as the dance in this video is, you know not quite a pop star even though she is a popstar and more of a crackhead…

She’s doing a GREAT job for someone who is DEAD, most people just rot the fuck out.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Dance Weirder Britney Spears of the Day

People like to hate on Britney Spears because her dance videos are creepy and feel like beheading videos from the middle-east back with the government was producing and financing those.

She seems to be medicated, at gun point as she wobbles uncomfortably in dance, all suffering from vertigo or some shit. Hardly what you’d expect from a professionally trained pop star….

BUT…considering she’s dead, I figure she’s doing a pretty good job….

Most dead people don’t have nearly as good of the moves…

If you were dead, I’d like to see you do better, HATER.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Titty Dress of the Day

Britney Spears brought another dance video. This is the only thing I live for, which is funny, because it’s the only thing that Britney lives for as well, they keep her in the basement and bring out for instagram dances that look like they are performed by a medicated, drunken, brain lobotomized handicapped person in front of a firing squad, like she’s in one of those beheading from the site formerly known as LIVELEAK, which is where I used to get my NEWS and share with you…..

I don’t even know if Britney is alive, so many this is actually the only thing that makes people think Britney is alive, because they shot these before they killed her off…making them videos she died for.

The fact is that she’s in a nightgown, it’s sheer, you can almost make out her tit and her tit, from my memory were different. The nipples aimed to the ground, that doesn’t seem to be happening here. Maybe she got her tits lifted, MAYBE it’s a body double….OR MAYBE it’s her sister JAMIE LYNN playing the role of BRITNEY.

SO many things could be responsible for this titty in a sheer nightgown….all of them sinster and weird….

If you dig into the conspiracy, she is never seen by the paparazzi, she didn’t promote her song with Elton, they used an old photo and it was an old recording, the fans never see her, she doesn’t fucking exist…

But that’s too complex for our minds and her titties exist and THAT is what matters!

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears does an On/Off of the Day

There’s a story about Britney Spears moving the Mexico because that’s where the Hollywood perverts are fleeing the USA to go tax evade and live freely.

I don’t know how true the Britney story is, since she’s dead, but we’ll assume they’ll just have her killed by the Cartel or some shit when they are tired of pretending that she’s alive.

In this AI video of the popstar, which could be a body double or just old content, you can see her in clothing….then in her bikini….and the whole thing is exciting because jerking off to a dead Britney when they present her alive is far less disturbing to digging up her corpse to jerk off to a dead Britney, it’s a more socially acceptable form of necrophilia….like when you jerk off to your dead grandmother’s bikini pics cuz you love her tits…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears in her Leopard Print Dance of the Day

Britney Spears is bringing some leopard print dance content from last week, into our lives because it’s creepy, disturbing and puts us into the Christmas spirit, you know since it’s Monday and we’re all fucking crazy, just not as crazy as Britney!

Posted in:Britney Spears