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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Pink Panty Titty Grab of the Day

I appreciate the social experiment that is Britney Spears.

I am a non believer in Britney being alive, but I am also a conspiracy theorist.

It is very possible that this is Britney doing weird dances on a different day in the exact same place she always does her dancing. Her outdated living room in her expensive castle she calls prison.

It is more fun to think this is archive footage or a body double that is designed to trick everyone by making them think it’s actually Britney Spears. Like it’s one of those “Look how dumb people are, we swapped her out for some chick, put her in a sheer dress with pink panties and a push up bra and they just assume it is still her”….these people believe anything their TV tells them.

Her caption to this video is:

This is weirdly enough the day before I broke my foot !!! You can see my face looks younger and I’m a bit heavier because well I don’t have paps and the news messing with me and making me a nervous wreck ? !!! I’ve lost a lot of weight since then and have a couple of new exciting projects on the way ??? !!! Hope you guys are having a wonderful day ??? !!!

The story is that she broke her foot a few weeks ago at Chateau Marmont celebrating Belushi’s death venue, in some sort of weird ritual….and this is her the day before she broke that foot….because SURE IT IS…

Hot popstar mom tits though.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Pussy Flashing Video of the Day

Britney Spears or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney Spears, or the computer coders and designers they’ve used to create the Britney Spears AI or AR filter, posted a video of what they are presenting to us as Britney Spears seducing her mirror….pulling up her skirt to almost show her slop-hole, while her tits are bursting out, and it was all so exciting that I HAD to download it knowing that she’d delete it, which she did…

Whether she’s crazy, or positioned as crazy, alive, institutionalized, dead,. the people running her feed are doing what they can to make us think she’s a nut….

I still want to see her lady parts…even if the whole thing is bootleg and weird…her feed not her vagina.

Her selfies are done in some smart mirror where they clearly watch her through, but her meds probably make her less schizo and paranoid….even though she fucking should me.

In conclusion, crazy bitches are the best fucks, so I’m into it but I am also nostalgic and Britney Spears is a legend even when it’s not actually Britney Spears.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Foot Fetish Content for the Weirdos of the Day

I am not a celebrity gossip analyst. I only decided to do celebrity posts because they had consistent content updates and people were excited by them. I always thought celebrity and celebrity gossip was boring, contrived and useless….so naturally I dove headfirst into it 20 years ago in the worst way possible because because what I do is even MORE useless to the celebrity fan….I just post pics you can jerk off to of them.

So I am not a Britney Spears expert, I just think the new Britney is a body double and not the real or original Britney. I don’t buy into the conservatorship storylines or anything around her and I am sure she’s just AI…

Anyway, there was a story last week about Britney losing her mind and spending all her money which is why she is in need of another conservatorship. I’m not sure how she can spend all her money since she’s always in the same room wearing clothing that looks like it was from the Dollar Store, but ok.

She’s never seen, never traveling, it’s almost like she doesn’t exist, but here we are getting the storyline pushed on us regardless of her fake memoir selling out, or her Elton John song being a huge hit, she’s broke….and crazy….

Now Britney Spears, or the actor playing Britney Spears with the annoying voice has hurt her ankle as a coverup to a fight she had with her boyfriend, or some nonsense, and she made a video of her gross dancer feet for the Britney feet people…

Her caption, a weird one…probably written by her dad since his legs have been amputated and not his arms….

I know my mom was involved !!! I haven’t talked to her in 6 months and she called right after it happened before the news being out !!! I was set up just like she did way back when !!! I wish I had grandparents !!! I can’t stand her !!! I honestly don’t care I will say it ??????? !!! Psss this man is wonderful !!! He’s like a father to me and he got me through last night !!! I adore you and admire you mister Mathew !!!

Another CHICKEN FRIED Dance Video with the caption that reads:

Ok I’ve been messing around and I thought this costume was beautiful !!! I used to do shows in Vegas with two layers of tights on my legs !!! They never let me show my real legs !!! It felt kinda weird and idiotic with a costume on my living room !!! Well Prince used to dress up in costumes everyday of his life in his house !!! He used to pick specific dancers to entertain him when he was bored !!! Useless information

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Starts Our Week Off With Creepy Weirdo Dancing of the Day

Stripped down in a crazy stripper outfit Britney Spears brings the dancing because she’s the professional trained dancing monkey and that’s all she knows…

When I watch these clips of the person they are pretending is Britney Spears I get overwhelmed with how happy she looks, but that could just be her dead behind the eyes in some kind of a manic psychosis.

Who’s looking at her eyes, when she’s got her big popstar mom tits out in a bikini top as she fucks the invisible demons that I have a feeling she sees running around her room…

Who’s lookin at her eyes when she’s pulling down the bikini bootoms as her mom gunt hangs out over it…rletitng you know she’s got no bush because she’s from that era…

Who’s lookin at her eyes when she’s still hot even with that shapeless middle aged mid-section…I guess I am because she creeps me the fuck out, just in a good way.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Shows Labia in her Vacation Pictures of the Day

According to the people who pretend to be Britney Spears because Britney Spears is probably dead or institutionalized all medicated and drooling on herself while the show must go on for her legless dad and the rest of her team….she’s just wrapped up a vacation to Maui where no paparazzi seemed to capture pictures of her…because the paparazzi will be on the private beach in the Bahamas to capture Taylor Swift, but they won’t be in Maui where tons of celebs live….

They’ve posted a bunch of pics that feel all too familiar, like they are just showing us the same content over and over to push the fucking lie, because they haven’t figured out the AI yet and rely on her old pics….

There’s no real reason why her shit is so pixelated, outdated, shot on some shitty camera even if she probably isn’t very tech savvy from being held in captivity for as long as she had…

Well, I guess none of that really matters, because I’ll buy into the lie and in one of her crazy pics to make you think she’s real and nutty, she’s fully nude and her emoji doesn’t cover what looks like her labia and a Britney Labia, even if she’s dead, is worth chewing on…maybe that’s the future business for the family that has exploited her once she does actually die….sell Britney’s labia for perverts like us to chew on….I’m so enterprising!

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Recycled Naked on the Beach of the Day

Britney Spears posted the video version of her naked on the beach with a caption that reads:

So you see the pics are real … the video is a little blurry though

I don’t think anyone doubted the pics were real, we saw them the first time she posted them about 4 fucking years ago, and we’ve seen them posted consistently, almost monthly ever since.

The question is never whether they are real or not, this isn’t some Kate Middleton dying in her BBL surgery forcing the Royal Family to release AI pictures of a bitch….

The question is more about whether Britney Spears even exists, or is she already killed off because she became a liability in that whole Free Britney movement, which really was most likely nothing to do with her and everything to do with calculated viral media hype all part of the bullshit show that is distracting the mindless retards of the world with useless noise….

So is Britney Dead, is she institutionalized, is she really free…because being free would probably include doing fun things with all that money she’s got…not recycling shitty nudes….even if she’s locked away in her prison mansion, take new nudes if you’ve actually got access to your phone.

This going back to old content is just fucking odd….but I’ll keep posting it with her gapped tooth she never had before because this is NOT the Britney we know…cuz she’s nude.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Dance Specialist of the Day

Here’s a little Britney Spears, or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney’s body double for the sake of keeping her alive on social media, doing a little squat in the shit on your face dance position, before spazzing the fuck out, with possessed looking eyes, belly out, gyrating like a stripper on the wrong kind of meth, tits flying around in all directions, set to music that gives me an anxiety attack and I’m not even a sketchy pussy prone to anxiety attacks because I am a man….not a very good man and hardly an actual man, I just don’t have panic attacks like the mental health agenda wants everyone to have….but this video…it’s pushing me there as this one glitches the fuck out…

I’m a fan of whatever it is they are doing to Britney, knowing they are a calculated billion dollar media company makes it all the more interesting…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Valentine’s Day Devil of the Day

I know that the Super Bowl happened, that Taylor Swift’s team won. I didn’t have money to bet on the game, I didn’t watch the game in some dive bar with degenerates and prostitutes like I would have liked to…..and ultimately, who gives a fuck about men running around in tights playing with balls and humping each other over the ball, making the ball the excuse for their humping, but we know they’re doing it cuz they like it, or because they make stupid money doing it….

Either way, that new school billionaire popstar that is overly relatable, MID at best, Taylor Swift, who has less sex appeal than the sock you jerk off with, or the used tampon you found on in the public bathroom, or the dirty panties you found on the street after a girl shat herself, but I guess that’s not fair to Taylor Swift’s sex appeal, since those found objects are HOT.

I don’t like Taylor Swift, her success in manufactured and weird, and I can’t get behind any dude willing to get behind her, other than for the story or to get close to a star that shines so bright, even if it’s unwarranted success to me….

Everyone I talk to can’t stand Taylor Swift, so watching Britney, a dried up popstar who was the Taylor Swift before Taylor swift doing insane dances in a devil outfit, sucking her pitchfork, in the same room she’s always in….all while I’m convinced she’s dead, this is AI or a body double….is far more interesting than thinking about how gay one must be to fuck Taylor Swift….or if that just makes you HYPER straight because you love pussy so much you’ll fuck one that’s as bad as Taylor Swift….

Here’s Britney….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Gap Toothed Britney Spears in the Pool of the Day

Gap Toothed Britney Spears is one of my favorite of the Britneys.

I assume the actual Britney is dead, institutionalized and definitely not FREE, so this is one of the Britney Spears clones that they don’t explicitly tell us is a Britney Spears clone, but who they instead throw into the content feed and let us just assume it’s the actual Britney Spears and not a hired body double after a nation-wide casting….

I assume that the whole free Britney thing was a weird distraction, or stunt, because the now freed Britney seems more in captivity than ever, but no one really cared when she was in captivity, so no one really cares now that she’s out of captivity, EXCEPT ME….I’ve always talked about how fucked up her situation was, but NO ONE listens to me. I mean I only have 10k Twitter followers and they’re likely all ROBOTS…I’m a hero without a voice.

I assume the content they post is weird, old, or from captivity and luckily for Britney her prison has a pool and her handler is there to capture the moments, whether this is Britney or not, the idea is that it is Britney, so we’ll go with it.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Does a Really Awkward Dance of the Day

Here’s some Britney Spears bringing in the Christmas spirit because she’s doing her awkward mom at the bar who took a few too many sedatives that she mixed with alcohol at the all inclusive resort after going through a divorce….

I guess her team is happy that her Christmas Tree in the background can finally make sense in the content stream, because they occasionally post this Christmas content in the summer because it’s recycling old content on the regular on her feed, you know because she’s FREE and old content is what FREE people do.

The main reason I don’t think this is Britney is because how bad she is at dancing while being Britney Spears, someone who committed her whole life to song and dance….the old content is questionalble…but the dancing brings it fucking home.

Where’s real BRITNEY….who is this imposter playing with her tits…

Posted in:Britney Spears