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Gap Toothed Britney Spears in the Pool of the Day

Gap Toothed Britney Spears is one of my favorite of the Britneys.

I assume the actual Britney is dead, institutionalized and definitely not FREE, so this is one of the Britney Spears clones that they don’t explicitly tell us is a Britney Spears clone, but who they instead throw into the content feed and let us just assume it’s the actual Britney Spears and not a hired body double after a nation-wide casting….

I assume that the whole free Britney thing was a weird distraction, or stunt, because the now freed Britney seems more in captivity than ever, but no one really cared when she was in captivity, so no one really cares now that she’s out of captivity, EXCEPT ME….I’ve always talked about how fucked up her situation was, but NO ONE listens to me. I mean I only have 10k Twitter followers and they’re likely all ROBOTS…I’m a hero without a voice.

I assume the content they post is weird, old, or from captivity and luckily for Britney her prison has a pool and her handler is there to capture the moments, whether this is Britney or not, the idea is that it is Britney, so we’ll go with it.

Posted in:Britney Spears