I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Dance Specialist of the Day

Here’s a little Britney Spears, or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney’s body double for the sake of keeping her alive on social media, doing a little squat in the shit on your face dance position, before spazzing the fuck out, with possessed looking eyes, belly out, gyrating like a stripper on the wrong kind of meth, tits flying around in all directions, set to music that gives me an anxiety attack and I’m not even a sketchy pussy prone to anxiety attacks because I am a man….not a very good man and hardly an actual man, I just don’t have panic attacks like the mental health agenda wants everyone to have….but this video…it’s pushing me there as this one glitches the fuck out…

I’m a fan of whatever it is they are doing to Britney, knowing they are a calculated billion dollar media company makes it all the more interesting…

Posted in:Britney Spears