I hate giving Em Rata any unnecessary credit, seeing as I think she’s a real fluke in the social media hustle, where she could turn her nude shoots into some mainstream and marketable experience for brands and producers alike, making her tons of money before she launched her own collection that I can assure you makes millions of fucking dollars.
She’s really not that special, but an anomaly and now as a podcaster, she’s pretty fucking boring when talking OnlyFans and how men suck….
So I hate giving Em Rata any attention because she sucks, but this Cami Morrone topless shoot reminds me of something Em Rata would do in her bathroom for attention, because it’s shameless enough..
You may not know who Cami is, but she was sold off to Leo DiCaprio early in her big titty influencer career, like a modern slave, working the fields and digging ditches around Leo’s homosexuality.
She is single now, contract is up, and her short’s come off to remind those early to her instagram modelling, that her tits didn’t die with her soul when with Leo…
Posted in:Camila Morrone