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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I guess a huge percentage of girls smoke weed, at least in Canada, since it’s legal and people are depressed losers made happier by hanging out with other depressed losers, or at least by numbing themselves with weed so that they can lazily sit and stare at the wall while waiting for life to either happen for them or end of them.

I am a drunken degenerate so I’m not hating on the weed smokers of the world, but I don’t trust them with their Government weed, it actually creeps me the fuck out….

I don’t mind when the lazy weed girls aren’t too lazy to get naked on the internet, since self produced nudity is what makes the internet fun, especially when it’s produced by someone all high and out of their head, as if weed is that potent, so that they have an excuse for their behavior when they decide to email sites to delete all their nudes, as they do…way too often…

My only issue with weed girls is that they look like weed girls into snacks, but whatever, I’ll take it…

Posted in:Weed