I'll Make You Famous…




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fatties Allowed, even in this era of body positivity and inclusivity, because this shit is exclusively weird, even if it is normalized…..

Not all women need to be sexualized, it’s OK to let the hotties be sexualized and let the fatties be the things we stick our dicks in becuase we’re not appealing enough to get the hotties, you know, the way nature intended…

However, if they are going to get naked and sexualize themselves for the lonely, the sad, the weak and the kind souls who aren’t into bullying, the rest of us should point and laugh before jerking off to them to see if we can handle the challenge…you know to switch things up a little….ALL while knowing the place the fatties belong and not just because we lay next to them and fear our life while hating our life….but that’s part of the reason…

Posted in:Fatty