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Fishnet Friday of the Day

It’s the long weekend, I hope some time is spent on the lake catching fish, but then again, we’re meant to stay in our pods eating bugs and being happy, so maybe a weekend on the lake with Grandpa is now sitting with VR glasses in your room eating take out..practically the same…

Since you’re a loser, I’ll assume that you are not getting the good kind of fishnets, you know the ones that women buy at the drug store to wear on hot dates from hookup app after shaving their cunt, only to be mad if you pull out a condom on said date because they’ll be like “did you only go on the date to fuck”….when they’ve done everything they can before they fuck…because girls don’t make sense….

However, a lot of tranny, fat chicks who think they are too good for you, goth dudes also wear fishnets….and you can always put fishnets on your pillow, an smoked ham, a watermelon, even a PUMPKIN since w’re heading into PUMPKIN season….and just fuck that, it’ll be more plausible an adventure to pull off this long weekend.

Posted in:Fishnets