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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Not all panties are created equally, we know there’s a hierarchy to panties but the reality is that to the average dude that shit doesn’t matter.

It’s like if you take the woke and annoying agenda, filled with outrage, talking pronouns and other bullshit, you see people of the internet taking the bait, being divided about it, fighting about drag queens, or insurrectionists…where people on either side of the fake internet fight rise up as influencers on the topic…so they commit to pushing the topic harder and more extreme because they finally have a voice, platform and following they think they deserve….you know, ego shit…so mini economies are built on either side, brands hopping on one cause, while others hop on the other side of it…all to. be fucking annoying and to make the internet this self involved cesspool of self promoter selling bullshit in content and bullshit in product to us…

I am a firm believer that the average bro, doesn’t give a fuck…he’s got his own problems, bills to pay, exes to stalk, wives to hate, girls at work to jerk off to, or porn….

So no one actually cares about the hierarchy of panty, the hot panty or the sexy panty, they just care about the bitch in the panty…

But the female hive mind thinks about the hierarchy of panty, the need to find a hot panty for her content to sell to fans, to sell to dudes they go on hook up dates with, to sell themselves…but the panties never make them any hotter…they just think they do..

So some fullback period granny panties are fine by me, they are down to earth and seemingly more real in a fake as fuck world, even though the girls in the panties are only posting them because they think they look hot in them…

Posted in:Fullback Panty